Sunday, February 07, 2016

Hummingbirds in Panama

White-necked Jacobin Hummingbirds. 

Late this afternoon, we arrived at the Canopy Tower, an old radar station in the tropical forest high above the Panama Canal and less than an hour from the Panama City Airport. In the trees outside the upper windows were several marmosets: small black and white monkeys with a long tail -- I'm not sure what type. And as we expected, several hummingbird feeders around the door of the tower were crowded with birds.

The tower building.
We can hear lots of other creatures in the forest as well. It's quite an unusual place, with small rooms surrounding the stairway of the old radar tower, a dining-room/meeting-room at the top indoor level, and a viewing platform surrounding the old dome. We'll be on naturalist-led walks and excursions for the next several days.


  1. That tower looks beautiful and I am quite jealous of you watching hummingbirds - I don't think I have ever seen one but they are memorable because of Harper Lee

  2. All I can think when I see that tower is Rapunzel, why oh why I'm not sure, lol...

    I think it's rather charming actually and I'm still trying to digest that you're in Panama!

    Have FUN Mae...

  3. the hummingbirds are beautiful. I have them in my backyard and enjoy watching them. The souffle is really like hot tea. The almond powder must give it the flavor.

  4. the almond powder gives it the strong flavor of almonds. I had never heard of this before. I do like hummingbirds they are so delicate.

  5. okay I am either leaving many messages or just one. I do like watching hummingbirds. The almond powder is for flavor-it was like drinking tea.


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