Sunday, March 01, 2015

Villa Mozart, Fairfax

Last night we enjoyed dinner at Villa Mozart in downtown Fairfax, VA.
We began with several appetizers, including a platter of salumi. 
It was our anniversary. Last year on our anniversary we were on the way to Panama for our National Geographic cruise, but we actually had our anniversary dinner in a Burger King in the Miami airport. Last night's celebration was a do-over, according to Evelyn. (I didn't write a post about that dinner!)

Miriam and Alice waiting for dinner. 
Main courses included stuffed quail (above)
and rack of lamb with small timbales of polenta,

Tiriamisu: imaginatively presented.
"Finnoccio" -- tiny carmel topped pana cottas with a little
scoop of ice cream, sauces, and slivers of fennel.

Earlier in the day we were again at the National Gallery of Art. Miriam and Alice were not very interested
in the only DaVinci painting in North America, visible just behind them.


  1. Happy anniversary! The rack of lamb looks so yummy – lamb is one of my favorites and not easy to find in the South. I also copied your chocolate pudding as I made one this week that was not too tasty. I bought a second-hand copy of “Remembrance of Things Paris – Sixty years of writing from Gourmet” edited by Ruth Reichl. Have you read it? It has short articles, not all on food, and they are quite good.

  2. Happy Anniversary!!!! I covet some Finnoccio after that picture and description. I would love to be touring the National Gallery with you!


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