Monday, March 02, 2015

Brownie Pudding Cake

Louise at Months of Edible Celebrations recently posted about brownie pudding cake, and I decided to make it with Alice, who loves to cook.
Pudding cake in the oven.
Ready to eat. We ate it so fast there aren't any photos of the presentation --
but we did top each piece with a scoop of ice cream.

Brownie Pudding Cake Recipe
Louise's clipped recipe -- Louise experimented, but we made it just as written here!

Pudding cake has been a family favorite for a long time, especially with my sister. I was glad to return to this treat! Alice hopes to make it again. So do I.
Wrapping up our trip to Fairfax: here's Alice at the American Indian Museum yesterday...
... and here are the rest of us (except me, behind camera) at the museum


  1. Good morning Mae!

    Oh my goodness, what a wonderful surprise! Alice did a GREAT job! I guess I don't have to ask if it was yummy or not, lol...A scoop of ice cream is most certainly the icing on this cake!

    I can't wait to bake it with the kids. Thank you so much for sharing, Mae. I'm so glad everyone enjoyed it:)

  2. Louise has great recipes and this is definitely one of them! It looks delicious, Mae!

  3. The pudding cake recipe was a favorite of mine. I was planning in making it later this week:).

  4. Looks to die for! Might have to try this one. And I love your family photo -- but next time, find a stranger so you can be in the pic, too!


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