Saturday, July 10, 2010

Markets Where I Shop

I'm a mad mad grocery shopper! I love to get fresh food, but I also love lots of other things. I have a nice big pantry, but I don't keep a vast oversupply of stuff onhand, probably because I like to shop and to plan meals only a day in advance, or even just a few hours before I do the cooking. I like to pick the nicest fruit and vegetables I can find, the best-looking meat, or fish that's on sale (usually that's because it's freshest and most abundant, and indeed I'm devastated by what's happened in the Gulf). Is the weather nice? I can get something to barbecue. Is it cold and rainy? I'll make a stew. But let me to to the store and decide just in time.

So I've been posting on my favorite markets.

Whole Foods:


The Ann Arbor Farmers Market:


The Produce Station:


Trader Joe's:


and Hiller's -- I'm flattered that Lydia has included my choice to kick off her market series: see The Perfect Pantry for July 10, 2010.



  1. What great markets you have! I must visit Ann Arbor one of these days. Thanks for being #1 in the new Market to Pantry series.

  2. What great markets you have! I must visit Ann Arbor one of these days. Thanks for being #1 in the new Market to Pantry series.


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