Sunday, October 05, 2008

Mona Lisa Eclairs

Somehow the famous food shop Fauchon in Paris has figured out how to stencil Mona Lisa's eyes onto an eclair. At their recent two-day eclair festival they had nothing but eclairs, "chic et choc," in the bakery. Vanilla, ice-mint, smoked salmon with baby peas... they made a total of 34 flavors, evidently decorated to match. Fauchon's pastry chefs did the final icing and garnishes in front of the clients. Mona Lisa's flavor is chocolate-almond. The price: 5 euros each!

Le Figaro Madame, the women's section of Figaro, the French newspaper is where I read about the great eclair event, also described on various blogs (where I culled the pictures). A women's section of a newspaper -- quaint, no?

Below you can see something of the stencil technique.
Dorrie Greenspan's blog: Paris: Sweets To Look Forward To, pointed me to the eclair event.

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