Saturday, October 04, 2008

The End of Summer

The first frost hit the area farms this morning. We'll keep having apples and pumpkins, but I'm afraid this visit was our last chance of the year for newly-picked tomatoes, peppers, and herbs. The colors at the Farmers Market this morning, in the slanting autumn light were magnificent. I was especially struck by many-hued pumpkins and squash, Indian corn, and both purple and yellow cauliflowers.


  1. There's an historic farm near me, called Dame Farm, that sets its pumpkins out like this, in rows and rows. They cover a huge area, and behind are bins of the small pumpkins and squash that didn't make the cut for display in the rows. I love autumn!

  2. Everything looks so beautiful this time of year. This really reminds me that I need to get going on making tomato sauce before I lose out.

  3. Thanks, Maggie and Lydia. I don't think about it that way, but I think I must love fall too, even though the end of harvest makes me sad.


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