Friday, January 24, 2025

Airport Art from December

Trinidad Airport

Arrival in Trinidad. Today’s post features photos that I didn’t use in my posts last month.

A mural in the waiting area before security as we were leaving.

A steel-drum sculpture: unfortunately we didn’t have the opportunity to hear
any local music on our visit, which was very bird-focused.

Sculpture in the boarding area.

A fellow-passenger waiting for the flight to Miami.

Miami Airport

Behind the airport hotel where we spent a night.
We did not see the alligator that the sign warned us about!

A welcome/farewell for Miami sports fishing.

 San Diego Airport

Bonus: San Diego Wild Animal Park Mural

Photos © 2024 mae sander
Shared with Eileen’s Critters and Sami’s Murals.


  1. gotta love a public mural :) We have similar signs to the alligator but for crocodiles of course. Happy january.

  2. Hello Mae
    I love the beautiful murals and the sculptures in the airports.
    The animal park mural is a favorite. Thank you so much for your critter post and sharing your link. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. Cool airport art finds! Glad you avoided the alligator!

  4. Hello Mae :)
    All your airport shots reveal an interest in art. I like all the murals and the animal park mural is very attractive.
    All the best

  5. It's wonderful that there is art everywhere. It cheers me up. It reminds me that all is not lost in the world.

  6. Obviously to travel we need airports but if I never see the inside of another one it will be too soon!

  7. Why do other airports always look better than Metro?

  8. You travel longer distances that's for sure! Love the art in so many of the airports! Watch out for monster gators!

  9. Tous ces halls d'aéroports sont décidément pleins d'heureuses surprises, et de graphismes tout à fait surprises

  10. The tiled mural in Trinidad makes me think of Ayn Rand. She must of had a book cover in that style. #MuralMonday

  11. The murals are beautiful!

  12. Great finds! I love seeing artwork and art installations in airports. It's a great welcome! :)
    And they add a lot of character to airports, too.

  13. Great art at all the airports. My favourite mural was the last one at San Diego animal park. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Mae.


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