Sunday, December 29, 2024

Birds: Our Main Activity in December

Birds in San Diego

At the Safari Park

Two Southern Ground Hornbills, native to Kenya and South Africa.

A beautiful bird at the Safari Park:
The Southern Cassowary, native to New Guinea and Northern Australia.

The San Diego Zoo has played a major role in attempting to avoid extinction of the 
California Condor, and you can see the birds in the breeding program that live at the Safari Park.

The East African Grey Crowned Crane, another threatened species.

A stork and other birds.

Bird on a Wire

Penguin at the Birch Aquarium

Birds in Trinidad

At the Asa Wright Nature Center

An oropendola at the feeder at Asa Wright.

Toucans sometimes come to the feeders, but I saw one in the trees nearby.

The Piping-Guan

The rare Piping Guan that we traveled far to see!

The Guan on our tee shirts: we stayed at a beautiful seaside resort that’s 5 minutes from where the bird lives.

Birds in Tobago

A chachalaca.

Cute little shorebirds.

The Trinidad Mot-Mot: an endemic bird on the two islands that we especially came to Tobago to see.

All photos © 2024 mae sander


  1. A gallery to be proud of. What better way to spend your time?

  2. Wow, a wonderful collection of birds and photos.
    Nice photo of you and Len!
    Take care and enjoy these last days of 2024.
    I wish you all the best in 2025, Happy New Year!

  3. Love the birds of Trinidad & Tobago especially. How interesting & great shots!


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