Monday, December 09, 2024

A Few Pretty Pictures

Early Morning at the Asa Wright Lodge

Dawn from the veranda. Trinidad is a beautiful place.

An early-morning woodpecker.

Hungry birds are waiting for the feeders to be put out.
They aren’t left overnight because of the bats.

Hungry birds.

A Very Full Day of Birding

Just a few photos of birds we saw today in an eleven hour trek: too much!

Savanna Hawk

Yellow-Chinned Spinetail

Crested Caracara

Vultures roosting just before a heavy rain shower.

A vulture on the railing by the beach where we ate lunch. OK, I like vultures.
Black Bellied Whistling Ducks

All photos © 2024 mae sander


  1. Great bird sightings and photos. An 11 hour trek would be too much for me, I hope there were bathroom breaks. Take care, have a great day!

  2. Eleven hours is a little much. I could handle it because I am used to walking, often quite long distances, but I am sure that for many it was a challenge.

  3. 11 hours, hallelujah. Ohhh, the blue one is my fav.

  4. Pretty birds. And quite a long birding trek!


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