Saturday, November 30, 2024

November Kitchens and Foods

 Evelyn and Tom’s Kitchen, Fairfax, VA

Evelyn and Tom have all new doors and door handles, and a new white paint job in their kitchen.
I’m featuring their kitchen this month because it’s much more interesting than my own kitchen!

From Evelyn’s Kitchen

Seared tuna, bread, and salad.

Turkey breast, stuffing, and roast vegetables in Evelyn’s kitchen.

Also in Fairfax

Fantastic Mr. Fox lives in the back yard. (Tom’s photo, shared with Saturday Critters),

Also at Evelyn’s: we watched the semifinals of the Great British Baking Show.

Visiting W. Lafayette, IN

Earlier in November, we visited Elaine and Larry; she had baked some of her wonderful pies.

Culinary Historians of Ann Arbor Winter Dinner

This is Sherry, one of the original Historians, with her potluck contribution:
her grandmother’s sausage, apple, and squash casserole from the 1930s.

The theme of the dinner was APPLES. My Waldorf Salad is a classic American dish.
When first introduced at the Waldorf Hotel in New York in 1896, it had only apples, celery, and mayonnaise.
Now it has lots of other ingredients as well.

Dining at Home in Ann Arbor

Len made Conchas: Mexican sweet rolls with a crunchy topping

Our Ann Arbor kitchen wasn’t very busy this month, as we were preparing for our trips to Indiana and Virginia, and then we were traveling. So I had more to say about other kitchens and other food experiences this month. And now I’m home from Fairfax, and of course I found out who won the 2024 Great British Baking Show.

! © 2024 mae sander.


  1. Wow, sounds like a delicious and eventful November! Love the kitchen renovation.

  2. Hello Mae,
    Wow, first I must say all the food and desserts look delicious.
    I like Evelyn's kitchen, the cabinets and door handles would be what I would choose for myself. The fox is cute, great photo.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend.

  3. Everything looks so yummy. I want to make some waldorf salad now. Love the kitchen with the white cabinets and the pops of color here and the orange pumpkins. Beautiful decoraing!

  4. All the food looks delicious. The kitchen is pretty impressive. Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Your post is making me hungry, LOL! Sounds like a good month.

  6. It looks like you had some great eating in November. I love the fox photo!

  7. That's a lonely kitchen. And I need to go look up a Waldorf salad. I've heard of them, but I think this is the first time I've ever seen on. I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving.

  8. If I get Netflix in 2025, I'm catching up on the GBBS. Loving all the kitchens and every morsel loos wonderful!

  9. Evelyn and Tom's kitchen looks perfect for preparing food. I especially love the big shelf of cookbooks. And, oh my, the fox!

    We traveled the week before Thanksgiving and drove just down the road on Thanksgiving Day, and I've been in a haze since. Maybe something about all the turkey?

  10. What a great month of food! I really like all the cabinets around the refrigerator.

  11. What a pretty kitchen up top. Do you know what kind of countertops they have? We also painted our kitchen cabinets white when we moved in, but I'd like to redo the countertops. Also such a good Fox photo!

  12. That's quite a beautiful kitchen!! Miriam's pancakes look really good! Interesting shot of that fox- he looks very comfortable and not afraid. Wonderful looking homemade pies that Elaine made too.Looks like a good time.

  13. It seems you’ve had a delicious Thanksgiving tour!
    I just watched the GBBO final today, I’m not sure the winner really deserved it personally.

    Wishing you a happy reading week

  14. You had a busy and delicious November. I love that white kitchen, especially the corner cabinet with the side door, the one the microwave sits on! And regarding glass bakeware, personally I love it, but living in a 40 foot Caravan, the weight of the glass pans are too great for the cupboards, LOL. So I went Stainless Steel and so for, they are nice to work with. Melynda @scratchmadefood!

  15. Looks like a lot of good food came out of Evelyn and Tom's kitchen! That fox is super cute, too. We have them come through here on occasion.

  16. I love looking at other people's kitchens to see if any new ideas pop up for my own. I love how all the pans are hung :)

  17. what a dream kitchen! I'm dreaming about kitchens today after seeing Melynda's amazing pans. also I'm really loving seeing all the posts of thanksgiving from our American IMKers.

    sorry about the lack of baby on my post, thought I'd stick to the one curveball a month rule for a change! maybe I'll create my own section just on my own...

    dreams of sourdough at

  18. A very wonderful kitchen and my, did you make me hungry!!

  19. lots of good food there Mae. That kitchen is a nice one. Love the fox. They got rid of the foxes around us, and probably not in a nice way. Thanks for being part of IMK! and have a marvellous festive season! xx

  20. Oh yummy, so much delicious food! I would love such a big kitchen, so lovely! Have a good week, hugs!

  21. That is a very beautiful kitchen, I especially like the pans hanging from the rack. All the food looks delicious - tortillas with roasted eggplant sounds really good. The fox is such a sweet addition. Have a lovely week - Carola

  22. That is some kitchen! I just saw a fox in my neighbor's yard this morning! Happy T Day

  23. Yes, that's a lovely kitchen. We Europeans are always a bit envious of the American double fridges. They sell them here but not everyone has a big enough kitchen to house one (even if they could afford it).
    What a great photo of Mr Fox!
    Mama Chang's food looks delicious.
    I've followed the Great British Bake Off too. I'm happy Georgie won. Everyone thought Dylan would win but he messed things up in the final didn't he. I think he will be snapped up by some fancy restaurant no doubt and that will be his reward. I also like Christiaan of course as he is a Dutchman.
    I love a good Waldorf salad. It seems to be a bit out of fashion, but with the walnuts (I also used to add the walnuts) it's rather delicious.
    Happy T-Day,

  24. I like Evelyn and Tom's kitchen. That is the smallest microwave I've ever seen. I like how she had room for that pot rack. I used to have those shelves like she put her pumpkins on, but when I remodeled my kitchen, I removed them. They were dust collectors I didn't need.

    Your traditional Thanksgiving meal was very non-traditional looking. You are making me hungry.

    How awesome to have a fox living in the back yard.

    Your oriental meal is making me even hungrier. It all looks so healthy.

    My grandmother made Waldorf salad. I think it was the traditional/original recipe.

    You sure eat well. I'm always in awe of your meals and what you must pay for food.

    That's a lovely mug and I adore your tea bag holder. Thanks for joining us for T this Tuesday, Mae.

  25. What a busy but delicious month! The soup dumplings look so good as does the roast dinner. Perfect food for this chilly weather we are having!

  26. We have lots of birds, and dogs around the neighbourhood, but no foxes, haven't seen one for many years. All your foods look so comforting and wintry, a far cry from what we are eating right now with our summer heat on top of us. A lovely kitchen you showcased. Hope you enjoy a wonderful Christmas.

  27. Everything looks delicious as always! I love the idea of the Culinary Historians dinner! I bet there are some very interesting dishes and great conversations..

  28. Love that fox, they can be sooo cheeky! All that fooooood made me very hungery! I'm hoping to have a new kitchen in the new year, john planned to do it for me two years that got put off, but I think he'll be pleased that I'm still going a head with it, my kitchen is cr@p'! happy bvery late T day! ((Lyn))

  29. Evelyn and Tom's kitchen is beautiful and so brand spanking new and their thanksgiving food is lovely! My fave bit though is the bookshelf. That fox photo is equally beautiful - lovely autumnal colours. I love that you have a culinary historians dinner. We are much indebted to the Waldorf hotel for its wonderful salad - a fine way for you to celebrate apples in history! Enjoy your travels

  30. My mouth is watering! What fantastic meals. And I would love to peruse that bookshelf, it's groaning with books as is my own. Wonderful picture of the fox.


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