Friday, September 27, 2024

A Good Week On TV and in the Neighborhood

What we did this week

Vicarious BAKING!

Friday morning: we watched the first episode of the new Great British Baking Show.
The 2024 season was released in England earlier this week and loved by my friend in London.

In my living room.

Illusion cake in the shape of a duck — much praised by the judges.

The big challenge — “Show Stopper” — was an illusion cake — one that looks like something else.
I really liked this sewing machine, but the judges didn’t like the way it tasted.

An Amusing Trailer from the British TV Channel

In a clever cartoon trailer, the Baking Show hosts and judges are depicted as flying insects!

Where to watch this highly amusing cartoon trailer:

Moonflower Mysteries

So far this is a great mystery! We will surely be watching each new episode as it arrives on Sundays for however long it takes. We very much enjoyed the first two episodes that are already available.

Random Thoughts this Week

A beautiful hawk we saw last January in Costa Rica. We have been planning our next big birding trip.

Another campaign sign in my neighborhood, new since I posted them last week.

Tuesday lunch downtown at Bao Space — besides Bao, dumplings, and shu mai, they also have rice and noodle bowls.

Another sewing machine: an old Singer on display in a shop window downtown. Such antiques are now considered decorative. This machine is not equipped with the belts that would actually allow the treadle to drive it. I learned to sew on a Singer of this vintage. 

Blog post and original photos © 2024 mae sander


  1. I am so happy The Great British Baking Show is back on. The duck cake was incredible to look at.

  2. I loved the sewing machine illusion cake and the hawk in your post! Great finds!

  3. A sewing machine cake? Wow... what a fantastisc idea. Thank you for sharing this funny Event.
    Have a wonderful week.

  4. Hello,
    I have not watched the British Baking show, the cakes all look amazing. The cartoon trailer is cute. I have seen an episode of the Moonflower Murders, it was good. Love your Costa Rica Hawk, it is beautiful. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  5. I never got as into the baking shows, but I love the Great British Sewing Bee. I guess because it's something I find it easier to have an opinion on from my armchair, haha. Not much of a baker myself! But it is such a fun format, and I love those cake designs!

  6. I hope that you will soon see many more signs for Kamala. You really do need to get rid of Trump forever.

  7. I am delighted to hear that The Great British Baking Show is back on. We have been waiting for it. I'm a baker, and I marvel at the creations the bakers make.

    We have PBS Passport, and we discovered Moonflower Murders last week, too.

    Yes. Kamala, obviously. Yes.

  8. Mae, my comment keeps disappearing. Sorry!

  9. I like watching The Great British Baking show and other cooking shows. People around here keep getting their political signs stolen out of their yards! I don't know which candidate, they aren't saying, but I am seeing a lot of posts like this!

  10. I haven't seen the Great British Baking Show since they took it off cable and put it on Netflix. I always loved it when Mary Berry was a judge. That sewing machine was amazing. Too bad the judges didn't care for the taste.

    I have Passport, so I have seen all six Moonflower Murders shows. This one took me longer to figure out than the first one (Magpie Murders). I know you will like it. All the clues are there, though if you are observant.

    My New Home sewing machine is functional. I just prefer not to use it. I only paid $8.00 (USD) for a new belt. Too bad they are considered nothing more than decorative, now.

    Loved then Kamala sign.

  11. I got to meet the host of the baking show a few years ago. She even made the famous Victoria sponge cake! Love all of your suggestions for viewing!

  12. The Kamala sign is terrific!

  13. Yes, yes, go Kamala, but never mind her! Can we talk about that magnificent HOUSE behind the sign???? My god what kind of a magical neighborhood do you live in and why, why, why did I not plan out my life so that I could afford to live in a house like that some day? LOL

    Great British Baking Show was one of my mom's favorite shows and I miss watching it with her.

    I need to find a restaurant that makes a dish like that one you posted a picture of with the soy sauce egg, pork and rice. That looks delicious! Or better yet, I need to find a recipe to make that exact dish.

    1. @jinger — I looked on Zillow and they estimate the value of that house to be $1,328,600 — it has 4 BR and 4.5 baths. I suspect that in LA where you live, houses cost A WHOLE LOT more!

  14. I LOVE the Great British Baking Show and am so happy there is another season starting. I've watched episode 1 and am eagerly awaiting the rest. I think the current 4 hosts are a good combination.

  15. I have my grandmother's Singer sewing machine that looks just like that... only it has all the belts and even works! At least it did the last time I tried it. Love the sewing machine cake too!

  16. Great photos! My daughter (in her early 30s) took my old sewing machine a few years ago and had it refurbished and is using it. But it's not as antique as that one!

  17. Forgot to mention that I recently listened to a light mystery that seemed to take its inspiration from The Great British Baking Show -- it was The Golden Spoon by Jessa Maxwell. I didn't love it, but then I'm not a fan of the show -- maybe that would have helped!


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