Monday, August 26, 2024

Back in Our Groove

We flew from the Galapagos to Quito, Ecuador, on Saturday, and checked into our hotel by dinnertime. The hotel has several restaurants, and we chose to eat in the most casual -- that is, at the bar. The menu had several Ecuadoran dishes, so I tried the goat stew which was quite good.

Our plane on Sunday wasn't until almost midnight, so we spent the day resting in the hotel with an excursion by taxi to a well-known artisan market, which I'll write about eventually. After returning to the hotel from the market, we had lunch in a different casual restaurant called Quito Cafe.

Final lunch in Quito: salad and passionfruit cheesecake.
Diet Coke is the same as here: the fine print says "aspartame."

Travel with Lindblad includes all airport shuttles, which we greatly appreciated. We were picked up around 7:30 for our final goodbye to Ecuador. I have many more photos and much more to say about the trip.

In the Quito Airport.

We arrived in Detroit around noon, and are now decompressing from our truly exciting trip. Fortunately our flights were on time with no surprises.

Passengers waiting for luggage in Detroit. The mural shows famous Detroiters.
The largest face (above the monitor) is Rosa Parks, who lived much of her life here.

Blog post and photos © 2024 mae sander


  1. It always takes a day or two to decompress from a trip and then (at least for me) several days to get back into "real life". I'm looking forward to reading and seeing more about your trip. Your light meals look great. Have a super T day. hugs-Erika

  2. I do look forward to hearing more about the trip. That salad looks like the perfect summertime meal.

  3. I'm looking forward to reading more about your trip. I know you went to the Galapagos islands but I'm interested in Equador. I have few Equadorian friends and they tell me it's beautiful. They are from the mountainous side of the country.
    In the meantime, rest and slowly come to.
    Happy T-Day,

  4. I am glad you arrived home safely. Your meals look delicious!
    Love the murals! Take care, have a great day!

  5. Looks like you had a great time ☺️. Loving your meal and the murals. Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  6. All the food looks delicious.

  7. I've never done anything like this. The ship is beautiful (your room looks very spacious) and the food and entertainment looks fun (and tasty!) I like that it's a "reasonable" number of people -- 90 seems like you could get to know people a bit. The birthday idea is fun!

  8. It sounds like you had a fabulous trip, happy very late Tuesday ((Lyn))

  9. Cool murals and the bowl of fruit looks stunning!

  10. Glad no problems with your flight. I look forward to hearing about your trip. Happy TDay


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