Monday, July 29, 2024

What we ate and drank in July

My kitchen has been a busy place this month, as you will see in my July wrap-up on Wednesday. But for today, here are some delicious things that we ate, and some wine and Diet Coke that we drank this month. I’m sharing these drinks (ice water, too) with Elizabeth’s weekly blog party

Photos © 2024 mae sander


  1. Everything looks delicious! I like lettuce wraps and the eggplant with tomatoes and mozzarella would be a favorite. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

  2. Everything looks so yummy. The eggplants would tempt me, for sure. I do not eat tofu, although when we went to the commune The Farm, in Tennessee, that was established by San Francisco hippies, I bought a couple of tofu cookbooks. I do not have a grill, for me alone, it would be too much work, plus on my back porch I’d be eaten alive by mosquitoes.
    Luckily there are several « meat and 3 » restaurants close to my houses, in Nashville and Atlanta. Last week I got a flounder plate (2 fish) okra, turnip greens and fried green tomatoes, corn bread (cost $12) and the portions are so large I can eat for 3 days. Then my daughter had a friend from medical school visiting from Iowa and we took her to a real French restaurant in East Nashville (the up and coming area.) called Once Upon a Time in France. They had steak frites and I had boeuf bourguignon, starting with escargots and ending with mousse au chocolate. I could also talk French to both the server, from Grenoble, and the bar lady, from Pontoise. She told me her boy-friend went to the same high school as me, in Enghien-les-Bains, the resort town (11 mils north of Paris.). They served US style portions, so I could take half home.
    Does your husband cook also, and has a specialty? My husband used to cook a good mean chili (that am still trying to replicate,) and taught me how to make perfect grilled cheese.
    Did you read what the athletes will eat in Paris? A lot of healthy gourmet food.
    Have a great week and continue your magic in the kitchen!

  3. I really like that wine holder. It is adorable. Of course you had to tempt me with cake and ice cream. And it isn't even lunch time.

    Even your leftovers look good, but I want that grilled eggplant and tofu stir-fry. And of course, I love broccoli and shrimp. You eat so well.

    You have also given us a plethora of drinks to choose from. Thanks for sharing your food and drinks you enjoyed in July with us for T this week, dear Mae..

  4. IO meant to tell youi, I have my grandmother's treadle sewing machine. It was a New Home. I must take photos one of these days.

  5. Wow, everything looks so yummy! Happy T Day wishes 😊. Hugs, Jo x

  6. My mouth is watering.

  7. You had some delicious looking food in July, including just a hamburger-grin. I'd like a piece of that cake right now as I write this too. Happy T day day Mae. hugs-Erika

  8. Every single photo looks delicious!

  9. Oh dear, is July over already? (Checks date on browser.) I should probably think about a vacation, but it doesn’t even appeal to me anymore.

  10. I need to use our Aussie wine-holder again! Atm it holds an empty bottle we got in Italy at Nonno Duilio.
    Oh, this all looks so yummy. Only 05:50 a.m. but you made me hungry for sure! Happy T-Day!

  11. I have to say Mae.. you eat well... Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  12. That looks really delicious! Shrimp and broccoli, sounds great. Must try that combination.
    Hash browns? I would call those roasted potatoes, and hash browns are shredded potatoes made into patties and (deep) fried. At least here in Europe.
    A belated happy T-Day,

  13. You should open up a restaurant. Everything looks so good and beautifully plated. The wine bottle holder is very cute. Happy T Day


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