Saturday, July 06, 2024

The First Week in July

Fun on the Fourth of July

For Deb’s Sunday Salon (link), here are some of the things I’ve done this week,  beginning of course with our July 4th celebration. Nine of us gathered in our back yard to have a barbecue. Here are just a few photos of the great foods we enjoyed.

Ready for guests.

Kabobs: mushrooms, sausage and peppers, ready to grill.

Grilling! We also made chicken and onion kabobs.

Nat made a Nantucket Blueberry pie: same as he ate as a child when his family had a summer place in Nantucket.
His mother knew all the good berry bushes. Nat knows where to pick great wild blueberries here in Michigan.

Jason made two kinds of ice cream: cherry and blackberry. We also had a box of strawberry ice cream.

After dinner: fireworks in the park.

What I’ve Been Reading

Listening Woman by Tony Hillerman (1925-2008)

Listening Woman was published in 1978, the third of Hillerman's twenty-five books about Navajo tribal policemen Joe Leaphorn and (in the later books) Jim Chee. Hillerman was recognized for his knowledgable presentation of Navajo individuals and their culture. To solve a murder and several other open cases, Leaphorn must use enormous reasoning skill, knowledge of the hostile mountain and desert terrain, and understanding of Navajo traditions and beliefs. He also has to use his grasp of how to deal with the FBI agents who are assigned to the cases he is solving. As he hides in a cave while rescuing a number of hostages from some very murderous criminals, he risks his life over and over and deploys incredible cunning and bravery. Not to mention 33 hours without food. It's a great book! 
Two other books I read and reviewed this week.

Afternoon Coffee

At Argus Farm Stop: windows depict the local eggs, produce, milk that are sold here.


In the Garden

Blog post © 2024 mae sander


David M. Gascoigne, said...

Am I old-fashioned? Out of touch? It bugs the hell out of me when people sit down to eat wearing a hat, and never take it off. What is it with that?

Lori said...

Your holiday celebration looks wonderful! It was so hot and muggy here we didn't eat outside. I always enjoy seeing photos of the shops in your area. Yes, our stores have Fall and even some Christmas decorations out.

My name is Erika. said...

It looks like a fun July 4th Mae. With lots of good food. And I love Tony Hillerman books. I am so glad his daughter has continued them. And the last 2 times I went to Costco there were Halloween things out. Even more yesterday from when I went in June. This is a fun post Mae. I enjoyed it. hugs-Erika

Jeanie said...

I'm DEFINITELY not ready for Halloween! Chill out, Costco!

It looks like a fabulous holiday celebration. That pie and ice cream look to die for and the kabobs look delish! All the photos are great -- you've been busy. It looks like a fun gang of people -- and a perfect night for it!

eileeninmd said...

Love the fireworks photos. The food looks yummy, the kabobs look delicious.
The blueberry pie a tasty treat. Pretty lily! Have a great weekend.

Mae Travels said...

@David — Sorry, but times change and customs change too. I also remember when men took off their hats whenever they were indoors, which included when seated at a dining table. Now picnics outdoors don’t at all require hats off — dangers of sun and insect bites being what they are. But all in all, it’s simple: times change.

best, mae

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

What a feast! I'd most love to taste that blueberry pie. Imagine---fresh blueberries!

Your cinnamon roll and coffee photos make me want to get out my old cinnamon roll recipe and try it soon. Right now, though, we are all panicking a little inside and trying to scrounge together water and canned goods in case the hurricane turns a little more to the east.

Divers and Sundry said...

Those kabobs are mouth-watering. The fireworks look good. We didn't see any this year. I've always enjoyed the Tiny Hillerman books; we have all but one of them around here somewhere. That's a lovely lily!

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

Looks like you had a wonderful 4th of July celebration.

I heard, but didn't see any fireworks.

Joy said...

What a terrific Fourth! I've never heard of Nantucket Blueberry pie -- I'm craving it just from the photos!

magiceye said...

Lovely captures of the celebrations!

Anonymous said...

I have been a fan of Tony Hillerman's since I lived in Kansas some 40 years ago. His novels eventually swayed me to make the move to Albuquerque where I lived a decade before relocating to southern Thailand where I remain to this day.

His daughter, Anne Hillerman, has continued the series and they continue to remind me of the beauty of the region.

My blog is at

Iris Flavia said...

That food looks great! Ingo yesterday went to the butcher and the lady sold him something "especially women like".
We had to throw both versions, also the men´s one, away, it was terrible. We ended up with corn. At least a BBQ.
Oh, no, please not Halloween already...

Jackie McGuinness said...

There is nothing like fresh blueberries!!!

I want to read The Talented Mr. Ripley. I think it is so awful the way the stores rush the seasons, slow down and let us enjoy the moment.

Jinjer-The Intrepid Angeleno said...

That food looks amazing and I am drooling over the blueberry dessert and the ice creams and the cinnamon roll.

I'm a little bit shocked by the outburst from the one guy in the comments about the one guest not removing his hat. Dude, we are outside and that guy was trying to protect his head from the sun beating down trying to give him all kinds of skin cancers. It's 2024. Let the man wear his hat! :-D

Nancy Andres at Colors 4 Health said...

Ordered Listening Woman from my local library after I read your review. Your 4th of July gathering looks fun and appreciate seeing the fireworks display. I wasn't feeling well on July 4th so went to bed early. Best regards, Nancy Andres @ Colors 4 Health

Vicki said...

Looks like you and your family had a great time and the food looks really good. The fireworks are beautiful.

David... You are allowed to have your own opinion, but With all the crap going on in the world the last thing that would bother me is a man eating at a table with a hat on.

Jenni Elyse said...

I really miss having family bbqs during this time of year. Every since my mom passed away 11 years ago, my siblings and I have all gone our separate ways.

I'm glad you had a week and good 4th. I hope you have a great week this week!

My Sunday Salon

Jenn Jilks said...

You sure seem to have had a fun time!
I quite like Hillerman.