Sunday, June 16, 2024

A Visit to Hell (Michigan)


Yes, it’s a real place, less than an hour’s drive from our home in Ann Arbor.
As you might suspect, it’s mainly a tourist destination with bars, mini-golf, and souvenir shops.
According to the website, there’s also a place to sprinkle your deceased relatives ashes. That costs $60.

Note: Livingston County, where Hell is located, voted 61% Republican in 2020.

Photos © 2024 mae sander
Shared with Sami’s Monday Murals.


  1. I did not know there was a Hell Michigan. I have been to Hell in Grand Cayman.
    Great signs and murals. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great new week!

  2. Fun concept. I laughed imagining the replacement of Hell signs. I bet they don't last long 🤣

  3. Well, that is really funny!

  4. Strange name for a place!
    Smart tourist trap.

  5. For me it would not be the first place to visit when I was there as tourist

  6. Too funny! Everyone wants to go to Hell. Have a great week!

  7. Crumbs! You can sprinkle dead loved ones' ashes there? So cheap too :) I bet the signs get stolen often.

  8. Funny name for a town, it made me laugh!
    Great signs and mural. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Mae.

  9. Now that is an unusual name! Glad to hear Hell is fun place to visit.

  10. Hell isn't that far from me -- I really should cruise by some day!


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