Sunday, May 26, 2024

Where will I be?

 Hint 1: I am reading A Tale of Two Cities.

Dickens published A Tale of Two Cities in 31 installments beginning in April, 1859.
This is the cover of one of the issues first serializing the novel.

A wine shop in one of the two cities in 1780, near the beginning of the novel.
The Gutenberg edition that I’m reading includes the original illustrations.
Dickens is a fabulous author!

Hint 2: I’ve been there before.

A postcard.

Hint 3: You can find great birds there.

A European Robin that we saw in May, 2016.

Moorhen and her chick, 2016.

Did you guess?

Blog post © 2024 mae sander
Shared with Deb’s Sunday Salon


  1. What a wonderful edition of that book. Bird watching photos to come, I hope?

  2. Wonderful!! Enjoy your travels.

  3. Ah, Paris in the spring! Have a wonderful vacation!

  4. The croissant was a good hint - though here we have an Italian café that has croissants as "Italian Breakfast"...
    Either way: Wishing you a good flight and great weather in Paris!

  5. Sounds awesome! Have fun and safe travels.

  6. I'm trying...trying...trying...(and, sadly, failing) to contain my envy. I do wish you were in the other city of the Two Cities; I've never been there, and I'd not have to tamp down my jealousy as I hear about your adventures...

    Okay. There. Contained. Eager to hear about all you see and do!

  7. I hope you have a bon voyage.

  8. Yes, I guessed, BUT I am so jealous. Lucky you.

  9. Ugh, I am insanely jealous!!! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

    That moorhen is really interesting and I would die of happiness to see such a bird in the wild.

    Dickens was my mom's favorite author. I really need to read something by him just to see for myself.


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