Friday, February 02, 2024

A Walk Downtown

My friend Anne and I went for a walk in her neighborhood recently. Her favorites there are the old Victorian houses with gingerbread trim that have been painted in interesting color combinations, while I love the murals on several buildings along the walking route we followed. Some time I’ll go back and take some photos of the “painted ladies,” including her house for which she selected special colors. Despite a drizzling rain and heavy clouds, we managed to walk for at least an hour. Next time I hope the sun will shine!

The historic walls of the Washtenaw Dairy, a popular ice cream shop, are decorated with neat murals.

Next time I hope I’ll be there at the right moment to eat some ice cream.

Blog post and photos © 2024 mae e. sander
Shared with Eileen’s Critters and Sami’s Murals


  1. The murals are colorful and fun, perfect for the ice cream shop!
    Take care, have a great weekend.

  2. So beautiful.

  3. You found some fun murals Mae. And now I want a scoop of ice cream-smile. Happy weekend to you. hus-Erika

  4. Sounds like a lovely walk despite the rain! Those colorful murals are great discoveries.

  5. Hello Mae,
    Love the cute critters on the murals, great collection of murals.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  6. I love the wall art at the dairy. What a neat experience, with better weather next time I hope!

  7. What a fabulous post. I love all of these murals.

  8. So many ice-cream murals, what fun!
    My favourite mural is the second one with the river landscape.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Mae.

  9. I find the first one intriguing. And an ice cream can be heavenly

  10. beautiful murals.... love them all

  11. You have much better murals in A2 than we have here!

  12. Fabulous art murals, so bright and cheery ☺️. Take care and wishing you a very Happy T Tuesday ❤️. Hugs, Jo x

  13. Fabulous murals. Too cold for me to eat ice cream, but I love Raphael's angels dreaming of an ice cream cone. Happy T Day

  14. Fun and colorful murals!


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