Monday, January 15, 2024

Mona Lisas For 2024


I haven’t posted any Mona Lisas for a while. Several friends (and I thank them very much) sent me the Mona Lisa Wolverines fan image. My friend Roberta found me a new one: Spaghetti-Strap Mona. In the last two images I collected, Mona is having a drink. As always, Mona Lisa parodies stand on their own, I don’t bother to figure out where they came from other than which friend remembered my little obsession.

Shared with Elizabeth at Altered Book Lover ( and her Tuesday circle of friends.


  1. Trump is too ugly to be in Mona's body, but it certainly clever what people do with Mona. She looks great with a Michigan cap on and a football tucked in her arms.Happy T day Mae. hugs-Erika

  2. Cool ones (well, one is rather nasty) - happy T-Day!

  3. I absolutely adore the latest Mona Lisa images. Great you found one with a drink, too. Thanks for sharing these with us for T this Tuesday, dear Mae.

  4. Fun Monas, except for Trump Mona! Happy T Day, Valerie

  5. A fun collection of Mona Lisa images.
    Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  6. Thanks for a great early morning chuckle.

  7. What a fun post, loving those Mona Lisas 😊. Wishing you a very Happy T Tuesday! Hugs, Jo x

  8. These are all good ones, Mae! It's fun to have a collection like this -- it doesn't take up any room and it's just delightful!

  9. Fun Monas except for the trump one. I agree with Erika. Have a great day today.

  10. What fun! All I think about now when I see Mona Lisa is my Granddaughter telling family about the huge queue to see it and when we got there how small it was(even though I had warned her!) Happy T Day, hugs Chrisx

  11. Mona. Women of mystery. Timeless. Happy T Day

  12. Mona. Woman of Mystery. Timeless. Happy T Day

  13. Da vinici must be turning in his !

  14. I like the one on the jigsaw and the last one with her drinking, not seen them before. Happy T Day! Elle xx

  15. The Mona Lisas made me smile, especially the jigsaw puzzle.
    Happy (belated) T-Day,

  16. I think I'm in agreement with the others...the orange man shouldn't be part of the group. 🤢

  17. Yeah I like the last Mona Lisa. Very debonair. Keep them coming

  18. I'm glad you've obsessed on Mona Lisa. Life can be so grim. Mona Lisa parody makes me smile.


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