Friday, December 01, 2023

Under the Train Tracks (Detroit Street Art Part 3)

A few weeks ago in Detroit, we spent some time looking at street art, which I've been posting a few murals at a time as there are so many!

A boy and his dog — shared with Eileen’s Critters!

Painted on the walls of the rail underpass near the Amtrak Station in Detroit.
Also shared with Sami’s Murals.

I wish I could identify this portrait; also near the Amtrak Station.

Another Crossing

More art under the tracks a few miles from the Amtrak station.

Three dogs!

Some graffiti near the murals

Photos by mae sander © 2023


  1. I especially loved and smiled at the self portrait of a back pack.

  2. Wonderful collection of murals, I do like the dogs. The flower mural is lovely and great portraits. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. The murals are so creative and well-done. It's great to see that Detroit has such a vibrant street art scene.

  4. Murals make the world a better place, that´s for sure!

  5. Hello Mae :=)
    Unusual and imaginative murals. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a great weekend .

  6. Interesting Artwork. I like this very much. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Wow! This is truly beautiful art. Have a nice day today.

  8. The Detroit street art is fantabulous. I'm impressed.

  9. There sure are a lot of talented people in the world! Interesting art!

  10. Some very talented artists! Thanks for sharing!

  11. That sounds like a fun excursion with good results!

  12. THey really turn nothing into something - love the astroboy #Muralmondays

  13. Wow that's a lot of murals Great I love the one by the Amtrak station the most as these men are so realistically painted. They are almost like photos. Great work.

  14. I like the first one and the last one best. You shwowed us some wonderful art. Again!

  15. They are all wonderful finds. I specially like the first one and he one with the 3 dogs, both very sweet.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Mae.

  16. I'm a huge fan of street art in any form. Thank you for sharing these with us.

  17. One of my BFFs is obsessed with murals.

  18. Love the murals! Detroit has so much amazing street art.


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