Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Why I am Thankful on the Day Before Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving pumpkins (real and ceramic): a holiday decoration here at the home of Evelyn and Tom
where we are visiting for the holiday.

Preparations: Miriam making cranberry sauce. I’m thankful to be with family on this holiday.

Mac and cheese step 1: a white sauce enriched with egg yolks. The macaroni part of the dish
will be made today, while the topping will be made at the last minute to keep it crisp.

Bread for stuffing and candied pecans for garnish for another dish.

Last minute trip to the supermarket

Wednesday morning: turkeys waiting for buyers. The store was not yet crowded.
Turkey is not on our menu for tomorrow. We were at the store for just a few more items.

When I think about what Americans have to be thankful for, our abundant supplies of food
are a major reason why we should be grateful. I am also thinking of families who need help.
And victims of many misfortunes, wars, and disasters throughout the world.

At the lake


I’m thankful for our beautiful country. On Wednesday afternoon we took a walk
around Burke Lake near Fairfax where we are spending the holiday.

Photos © 2023 mae sander


  1. Wonderful pics. I agree : we have so much to be Thankful for. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I have been to Burke Lake. I once lived in Arlington. Those were good years. Enjoy the time.

  2. Great photos. There is so much to be grateful for. Have a lovely TG.

  3. Yes, there is so much to be thankful for!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  4. Yes, there is a lot to be thankful for and it´s great you have a day for it, despite we should be thankful every day.
    Enjoy company and good food!

  5. Happy American Thanksgiving!


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