Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thanksgiving Dinner and Dessert

For dinner: carving the two ducks.

On the table: duck, stuffing, roasted vegetables, sweet potato soufflé, mac and cheese casserole, cranberry sauce,
gravy, and Beaujolais Nouveau wine. We have made many of these dishes for prior Thanksgiving dinners.

Sweet potato soufflé topped with candied pecans:
 a new recipe this year.

Ready to eat!

After all the meat is off the bones, making duck stock for soup for another day.

Dessert: Key Lime Pie

Whipped cream goes on the pies.

The Pie!

Local mango-flavored beer that (mysteriously) goes with Key Lime Pie.

Photos © 2023 mae sander


  1. It's all very appetising, and I have no doubt that you had a happy and gastronomic Thanksgiving. I wish you a good weekend
    PS. I left you a little note about Michaux in response to your comment

  2. Quite a food galore (and fun it seems!).

  3. I hope you and your family had a very happy Thanksgiving!
    The food all looks delicious! Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

  4. Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving. I have never carted for duck. I found it greasy. The pie looks fabulous, though.

  5. Wow! You always have the best food at your house. I wish I lived closer so that I could drop by and join you!

  6. the best part? Being all together!

  7. Nothing better than celebrating with family. Looks like a fabulous meal especially that key lime pie.


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