Thursday, November 02, 2023

Recent Reading

 Some Short Genre Fiction

A nice short story by Silvia Moreno Garcia.
Although I usually am not a fan of this genre, I enjoy her work.
As suggested by the cover, there’s a wolf in the story.

First sentence of this book: “She’d always known her lover would come from beyond the forest. It was foretold when she cast a divination spell. It was a game she played with the other village girls—quaint superstitions passed from one generation to the next.”

I’m always vowing to read Sci-Fi, but I never really like it.

The last sentence of the book: “ We go forth to find this city’s singer, and hopefully to hear the greatness of its birthing song.” — From N. K. Jemisin "The City Born Great"

And One VERY Long Detective Story

The Running Grave

Writing as Robert Galbraith, author J.K.Rowling has produced another massive suspenseful detective story. Cormoran Strike and Robin Ellacot, partners in a private detective agency, are working on several commissions, most dramatically the case of a purely evil cult involving a self-proclaimed prophet (nearly a deity to his followers) and numerous offensive and manipulative activities. The abuses of the brain-washed, imprisoned followers are revealed as Robin bravely endangers herself by embedding in the headquarters of the cult somewhere in the wilds of the English countryside. 

The Perils of Robin in cult captivity are almost (but not quite) overdone in the style of an old movie serial, or maybe like the classic perils of Samuel Richardson’s novel Pamela (published 1740 as Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded, and considered to be the first ever example of the modern novel). I couldn’t stop reading!

The strength of this long book is that as Robin subjects herself to the horrors of this cult, the depths of evil that a single person can do are laid bare. I remembered, as I read about the cult leader and his willing victims, about Voldemort and the Death Eaters. All right, I still admire the Harry Potter books. I also admire the extremely pointed and well-observed criticism of cults and their exploitation of weak human beings expressed in this novel. 

As usual, there is plenty of personal detail about the two detectives, especially the struggle Cormoran Strike is waging to get his weight under control in order to reduce stress on his missing leg. His unwilling but disciplined choices, such as fish rather than steak, and his strenuous resistance against his craving for hamburgers and chips, as they are called in London, are very painfully familiar — as well as the circumstances where his will-power crumbles and he eats (in Robin’s estimation) 5000 calories worth of McDonald's. An example of his giving in:

“While Robin was in Kensington, Strike was back in the Denmark Street office, eating his second Chinese meal in two weeks, this time a takeaway. He was finding the last stone to go before hitting his target weight very hard to shift, and while he supposed a nutritionist might tell him the reappearance of takeaways and pub food in his diet might have something to do with that, the lure of sweet and sour chicken and fried rice had proved too strong for him this evening.” (p. 767) 

I was amused by one lunch: Strike is treated by a wealthy client at Rules restaurant in Covent Garden, an old restaurant with “comfortable glamour.” In fact, our friends in London, who are super knowledgeable about the city, took us there, and indeed we enjoyed the tradition and glamor of the place. Our visit was the same year as in the novel, 2016. Here are my photos of this experience:

After I found a couple of novels in the Cormoran Strike series to be grotesquely violent, I had decided not to read any more of them. However, a couple of people I trust (including our London friend in the photo!) said this one was better, and they were right. I’m glad I read it.

Reviews © 2023 mae sander
Shared with Eileen’s Saturday Critters and with Sunday Salon at Readerbuzz


  1. Claudia at Mockingbird Hill Cottage was waxing eloquent about the Galbraith books. I just haven't dealt with them yet -- too many on the stack but it sounds promising. Love the photo from Rules.

  2. I'm currently reading The Running Grave - J.K. Rowling has a style that I just can't escape, her books develop an uncanny pull and I can hardly stop reading... But of course I HAVE to, with such a thick book ;- )
    All the best - I hope you've had a good start to November,
    πŸ‚πŸƒπŸπŸƒ πŸ‚

  3. We are reading in autumn... more than at other seasons. Thank you for sharing your books with your opinion. It's good to know about new books.
    Greetings by Heidrun

  4. Hello,

    I love the cover on the Garcia book, pretty wolf. Great photo of you and your friends, happy trip memories from London. I have read one or two from the Cormoran Strike series, I wonder if I can skip around I will give the Running Grave a try. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thanks for leaving me a comment.


  5. I enjoyed this post very much! I especially liked your point about the cult leader in The Running Grave being similar to Voldemort. It's interesting to think about how both characters are able to manipulate their followers into doing terrible things.

  6. I used to be such an avid scifi reader that I looked forward to reading the book chosen for the Hugo and any Best of scifi short story collections I could find.

    I still find that scifi jolts my brain in ways no other genre does. I wish I could make my way around that world now, but I can't really find the entrance anymore.

  7. Hello Mae :=)
    All these three books seem like an entertaining read. The first and last would be my choice.
    Thank you for the review.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  8. I've been interested in more short stories and novellas lately. Quicker to read if you have a long TBR list!

  9. I am not a sci-fi reader, but glad you enjoyed the short stories. I also don't ready many short stories, no particular reason why...maybe I should..have a great weekend!

  10. Interesting reviews... I'm not big on short stories, either, but that Morena-Garcia cover definitely beckons. Will save the Cormoran Strike for some time when I'm ready to take on another big story. Sounds like you've been enjoying some fun reading -- enjoy the weekend!

  11. I have yet to read any of Robert Galbraith's mysteries. As much as I enjoyed Harry Potter, some of them were a little too long. This looks to be more of the same, and I've also heard they can be pretty violent. Glad you enjoyed this one. I just don't think they are for me.

  12. After several very long books, I've been enjoying novellas and even a short story recently. Love that you were at the same restaurant as mentioned in the book!

  13. We - hubby and myself - love reading good crome books. And of cours the films of Agatha Christie, especially Monsieur Poirot!

    Thank you for your nice comment. I wish you a very good week.

  14. Goodness. I was a bit impressed and a bit overwhelmed by these three books you reviewed. I'm afraid I would not enjoy the cult story you reviewed, although I enjoyed the photos of you and your London friends.

    BTW, the woman who owns the Tea Shop at the Spice Merchant was not fond of me taking photos of the posters. She said the were VERY expensive and she didn't want people knowing how expensive they were and where they were located.

  15. I love detective books so I'll put this on my list to read! Thanks for the reviews.

  16. I read Silver Nitrate by Silvia Moreno-Garcia and it was different than what I was expecting. Love the cover of her short story here. How fun that you visited the restaurant featured int Galbraith's mystery!

    I still haven't read her, not even her Harry Potter series. I tried watching the TV series based off the mystery series, but it didn't capture my attention enough to continue. The books are usually better.

  17. I tried The Ink Black Heart by Galbraith/Rowling, and enjoyed the first 500 pages…🀭. But, then it became tedious for me, and I had to abandon it. I think the idea of short stories is a good way to go!

  18. I've enjoyed the TV series with Strike. I'm hoping to pick the whole series one day soon! Glad you enjoyed this one better.

    I also enjoy Garcia, overall. The first book I read of hers wasn't my favorite but I've read two others and enjoyed them. I love how diverse her genres are. She always keeps me guessing what her next book will be.

    The Murderbot series by Martha Wells is a great sci-fi series you might like. I also really enjoyed The Expanse series by James S.A. Correy.

    I hope you have a lovely week!

  19. That's a beautiful cover for The Lover. I would like to read that one.

    I've only read the first Strike book and not any further in the series. I liked it, but just haven't had any interest in reading further.

    What a lovely time the visit to the restaurant must have been! Sounds like a good memory was made that day. :-)


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