Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Here and There

 Detroit Streets

The architect Albert Kahn (1869-1942) is famous for design of commercial and industrial buildings.

Coming soon: photos of many murals that we saw in Detroit last weekend.

Around Ann Arbor

Early morning from my back door

Hudson Mills Park along the Huron River

Sushi Lunch at the bar of Slurping Turtle.

Antisemitism at work: a poster about the kidnapped Israeli hostages has been destroyed.
The anti-Jewish sentiments on campuses all over the country are terrifying.
The building in the photo on the University of Michigan campus was also designed by Albert Kahn.

Example of a “Kidnapped” poster of the type that’s being attacked. 
See this article: “How Posters of Kidnapped Israelis Ignited a Firestorm on American Sidewalks"

Photos © 2023 mae sander


  1. I haven’t seen a White Castle in years.

    The situation in the Middle East is terribly upsetting.

  2. Mae,

    I like sushi but somehow it never really fills me up. I always want something else with it. Your lunch does look good.

    Now, thank you for including the photo reminding the world that innocent children have taken from their families and are still being held hostage by these uncivilized barbarians who cut off the heads of babies and burned others alive. How can people forget in 4 weeks? How can any civilized human being sympathize with Hamas. Seeing that beautiful child in the photo breaks my heart.

  3. All of these supporters of Hamas, coming out of the woodwork everywhere, seem to conveniently forget that this whole war was started by Hamas going into Israel and committing atrocities beyond human comprehension. It is tragic that innocent Palestinian civilians are being killed in this conflict but war is never pretty. My fear is that there will never be peace in this region. How much longer till the next outbreak?

  4. Thank you for your nice comment... now, I visit your blog with great interest. And agree. We are sad about cruel war around the World.

    What can we do? Yes, we can be friendly to our next, I believe.

    Greetings by Heidrun

  5. Oh Mae, I hate it that people would tear down that poster of that poor kid. It just hurts. It's horrible and it feels worse every day. I'm sorry the hate is coming here.

    Your ride through Detroit looks like a good day.Did you have a White Castle?

  6. Ann Arbor seems a pretty town. Love seeing the pics.

  7. Enjoyed your trip through Detroit. Did you know the first White Castle was in Wichita, KS?

    Sorry about the state of affairs in Israel and Gaza. The tragedy has taken over our cities, too. Seems no one is safe, anymore.


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