Sunday, November 19, 2023

Detroit Street Art Part 2


As I mentioned last week (here), after a visit to the Detroit Institute of Arts, we spent some time following a map to find murals and street art in the area of Detroit near the DIA (Mural Map Detroit Arts). The number and variety of paintings on buildings, fences, and railway underpasses is amazing. Today, I am sharing a few more of them, with the artists identified where I am able to. This post is shared with Sami's Monday Murals, where I've found a community of bloggers who seem to love street art as much as I do!

By Birdcap & WC BEVAN


By Ghostbeard

Blog post © 2023 mae sander


  1. Thank you for the virtual tour. These artworks are terrific, such energy! I didn't know Detroit had them.

  2. They have so much more than Wichita has. Loved these. Too bad there was so much trash that distracted the beauty of the mural by Ghostbeard.

  3. I sure would not park my car there, not even at daytime... good ones!

  4. So much to see. Nice work!

  5. You found a lot of very diverse, colourful and fun murals Mae. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals.

  6. What a great collection of murals.
    Have a great day and happy week ahead.

  7. These are terrific. Imagine, a map of them. Grand tour.

  8. Very bright. The last one is my favorite. Happy Thanksgiving!


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