Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Birding at Lake Erie Metropark and the Arb

At Lake Erie Metropark


Two Grebes.

Great Blue Heron.

Great Egret.

These hunters had gone out for several hours, beginning at 5:30 AM.
Using the goose decoys that are in the boat, they had shot a number of geese, which they said they planned to eat.

At the Hawk Watch at Lake Erie Metropark, professionals and dedicated amateurs watch for hawks in migration.
Very large numbers of hawks of several species funnel through this narrow area between the lakes.
Only a few of them were sighted while we were there, though on some lucky days they number in the thousands.

At the Arboretum

Blog post and all photos © 2023 mae sander


  1. You saw some great birds Mae. I did one of those HAwk Watches many many years ago. I should do one again. You saw a great variety! Hugs-Erika

  2. Hello,
    I have been to a few hawk watches. You saw a great variety of birds on your outing. Pretty flowers! Take care, have a wonderful day!

  3. The Kingfisher is very, very cute.

  4. I'm SO glad you named the birds because the only ones I can identify are cardinals and robins. They are all lovely. Too bad the Hawk Watch wasn't more productive, but at least you got to see some. Thanks for taking us with you.

  5. I hope they plan to eat them -- I hate hunting for sport. Even geese.

  6. I hate hunting for sport. Even geese.

  7. That was an interesting outing Mae…the Hawk Watch project is something I’d never heard of and I can see how valuable the data collected would be. The Park is lovely and obviously a Paradise for birders.

  8. What a day of wildlife sightings! Nice to see your Kingfisher and Grebes. I don't like when people hunt animals just for fun.

  9. Hello Mae,
    Great sighting and photos from your visit to the Lake Erie Metropark.
    You saw some of my favorite birds, the Kingfisher, Great Blue Heron and the Egret. The two Grebes are cute. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  10. I love seeing and hearing the Kingfishers. That looks like a good place to visit with your camera!

  11. Lake Erie swamplands is my fav place for birdwatching in spring, around Mother's Day. No hunting allowed there at that time. My dad used to birdshoot on weekends in the countryside and we went along walking in the hills for the shoot. We ate those birds!


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