Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Maybe Spring?

Snow drops are very early this year. But this weather isn’t expected to last!

Mona Lisa for a change

Retro art parody: typewriter art! From the Guardian.
One more for my Mona Lisa collection.



  1. I have only ever seen snow drops in photos. For some reason they do not grow here. Welcome to an early spring. What a FUN Mona Lisa.

  2. My parent´s garden was full of snowdrops. Here I hardly see any....
    P.s,this is a bogie, "a chassis or framework that carries a wheelset, attached to a vehicle - a modular subassembly of wheels and axles." (Wiki)
    Not as nice as ... forget it ;-)

  3. Love the spring blooms, the crocus and snow drops are a few of my favorites.
    Take care, have a great day!

  4. So beautiful.

  5. Gosh, we're in the middle of snow squalls!

  6. And tomorrow, an ice storm. I love those crocus -- must add some snowdrops to the garden next year.

  7. These are lovely! And harbingers of spring, for sure. But, based on the forecast, looks like winter isn't quite done with us yet.

  8. Looks like spring to me. We have more snow coming, on top of the messy remaining snow, so I enjoyed your spring photos. Hugs-Erika

  9. I don't think I have ever seen a snow drop until now. We had a proper winter day on Monday and today we are right slap bang in the middle of summer. Very strange weather indeed :)

  10. It's been sultry here---even 80 degrees a couple of days---and spring has arrived. I always watch my pecan tree anxiously. It's last to put out new leaves each year.

    I hope your spring has really arrived.

  11. Well, it could be spring but Mother Nature has other ideas for me. LOL

  12. Oh those sweet early spring blossoms, I hope they survive the storm that happened after you wrote this beautiful post.


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