Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Kyoto on Netflix

“The Makanai” — a Netflix series from Japan — shows the life of two sixteen-year-old girls who leave their traditional academic school in an obscure small town and become the lowest sub-apprentice geishas in a maiko house in Kyoto; that is, a training school for geishas. While one of the two girls succeeds, the other just doesn’t have the talent or temperament to be a geisha, and finds herself by becoming the cook for the house. Therefore, the beautiful scenes alternate between the stylized dance, music, and elaborate costumes of geishas and views of gorgeous Japanese food. So far I have only watched one episode. 

Some scenes from the trailer (including subtitles):

I started watching this series after I read about it here: ‘A modern-day fairytale’: the joyful Japanese food and friendship drama you should never watch hungary in the Guardian. For more history of the series, which is based on a popular Manga, see the article in Time Magazine.


  1. Thank you for sharing this. It looks like a series I would really enjoy. Have you seen Down To Earth? I just started season 1 and saw two episodes and it is fascinating!

  2. Sounds like an interesting series. I would enjoy watching the cook and the food. Take care, have a great day!

  3. Thanks for sharing this Mae. It sounds really interesting, and I am going to check it out. hugs-Erika

  4. Thanks for the heads up!! Will have to check it out! :)

  5. This looks really interesting. Thanks for the heads up.


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