Saturday, January 21, 2023

Fuchsia Dunlop’s Cold Deviled Chicken

Continuing his adventures in Asian cooking, Len selected a delicious-sounding recipe for cold chicken. He also made a cucumber side dish from a favorite Vietnamese cookbook.

Making Fuchsia Dunlop’s Cold Deviled Chicken.

Chinese cookbook: The Food of Sichuan.
An excellent cookbook.

Andrea Nguyen: Vietnamese Food Any Day.
Another excellent cookbook.

The chicken. (Everybody knows that if a recipe calls for cold chicken, 
you should head for Costco!)

Unusual ingredient: Sichuan Peppercorns.

It was delicious!

Note: a slightly different version of the chicken salad recipe was published as Fuchsia Dunlop’s Spicy Sichuanese Chicken Salad. This version omits the peanuts which are in the recipe Len followed, and which I found quite good.

Blog post © 2023 mae sander


  1. I must try this. I just happen to have roasted chicken from yesterday in my fridge right now.

  2. Costco is the only place to buy rotisserie chicken. I sometimes buy the packaged meat too when I don't need it warm or want it for a few days down the road. Happy weekend Mae.

  3. Ohhh this looks so darn good.

  4. That looks really interesting. I think my cooking is in a rut!

  5. Hello,
    It does look delicious! Happy weekend!

  6. We are great fans of Vietnamese Food! In fact, we have a local restaurant and go about every 10 days! Your recipe looks great.

  7. I don't shop at Costco, but Sam's has the same deal. The next time I got to Sam's I might pick up a rotisserie chicken. I really like Vietnamese food. Many Vietnamese settled in a town just nine miles from where I lived in MO. I liked their food, their attitude, their cleanliness, and their intelligence.

  8. Thanks for sharing a link to a similar recipe. We often have left over chicken and having something new to try is great.

  9. I like how we are able to learn about foods we might not otherwise try. Thanks for sharing this one.

  10. I've been in a cooking mood but sighs, we wll see. I love the deviled eggs and I love that you know where to get cold chicken.

  11. Totally looks delicious. I love the Costco tip!

  12. That looks tasty -- and so do the cucumbers! I LOVE cukes!

  13. I love that Len makes the most amazing-looking gourmet-worthy dishes that start with a Costco chicken.

    This dish looks particularly tasty. Yum!


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