Friday, November 04, 2022

What will they think of next?


This is not a joke. It was being sold at Costco with all the other pet food.


  1. OMG, marketers have us figured out so well. I can just see people buying these by the loads so their pups can experience pumpkin spice (no life is complete without it). Hugz

  2. Unbelievable! Have a great weekend, Mae. Valerie

  3. They are always looking for ways to part us with our money. Our dog eats vegetables as snacks.

  4. My daughter has an all natural dog food business. I will tell her about these.

  5. I saw that this week at our Costco and could not believe it!

  6. People buy the oddest things! Or they will all be on sale soon.

  7. I can't fault the manufacturer of them, but I really don't understand the person who would buy them. Oh well-- different strokes.

  8. Good morning Mae :=)

    Fries or spicey treats for dogs, shouldn't be allowed. I didn't even buy the chocolate treats on sale for our pet dogs. Sadly, my dog passed away, but it wasn't because he had an unhealthy diet. What will they think of next! to take our dogs to an early grave.

  9. Hello, Mae

    Pumpkin fries for dogs, that is a strange treat. I hope they are a healthy treat. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  10. I guess pumpkin is good in moderation, but the spice? What manufactures will do to sell more products.

  11. Mae, I can't blame you for being confused. My images are both female. You can tell because of their pale pink bills. The editing is confusing I agree.

  12. Yep. I love a good pumpkin spice anything but I draw the line for the pup. :) (Unless I make my own pumpkin based treats but they won't have the spice in them.)

  13. Had to laugh. Glad I don't have a dog!

  14. Dogs just don't need fancy pumpkin spice anything!

  15. Not sure I would buy these even if we did have them at our Costco! I haven't been there for months though!

  16. I am constantly startled to see dogs, dogs, dogs in my world now. They are everywhere.


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