Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Spring in Virginia

White narcissus blooming in Fairfax. We drove her yesterday. Finally: SPRING!

Daffodils! Not a sign of them in Michigan.
(Yes, narcissus are a type of daffodil.)

A little bird was singing a beautiful song.
Photos © 2022 mae sander.


  1. We usually start seeing those in February, poking their heads up through our occasional snow. Encouraging signs of the coming spring :)

  2. We're seeing lots of green shoots, but other than a stray crocus or 3, not actual blooms yet. Soon!

  3. I think I'm most delighted to see the native plants we put in last year, the plants that froze back after a hard freeze this winter, coming back this spring.

    No daffodils here. Too warm, maybe.

  4. Yay for Spring, love the flowers and the cute Wren!
    Take care, have a great day!

  5. You are missing 70 degrees here, but it will be a bit before we have daffodils apart from Kroger or TJ! It looks wonderful and I hope (I know) you will have a fabulous time!

  6. Hello mae,

    I love your cute little Wren! Lovely shots of the flowers.
    Spring is here! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  7. I love those Spring flowers! The amaryllis is blooming like crazy here. Enjoy your weekend!

  8. Not sure there's anything better than spring in Virginia! So pretty. I miss the dogwoods and the azaleas. Enjoy.

  9. Virginia in the spring is a magical place! I grew up in Fairfax County near Mt. Vernon.

  10. Hello, :=) Lovely Spring images, the little bird is singing because it seems to be warm Spring weather,


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