Friday, February 18, 2022

Winter Birds


We've had rain, sleet, ice pellets and then snow, so no bird walks today. We are staying indoors until the slippery walkways are cleared. I hope we'll soon be able to walk in the park and see the swans and bluebirds again. I can't wait until spring!



  1. OMGosh these are stunning photos. So clear. Yes, stay inside with that kind of weather. Have a great day today.

  2. Bluebirds are still hanging out here. It won't be long now until they head up your way. We had some days this week where the temps were in the upper seventies.

  3. Stay safe. These photos are stunning.

  4. Wonderful bird photos Mae. Happy weekend.

  5. To Spring very soon - beautiful pics!

  6. Hello Mae, :=) Your weather seems atrocious, I would n't venture far, or not at all in these harsh conditions, but spring will soon be here. We are now getting some badly needed rain, blustery winds and not the kind of weather for photography. Your photos are both beautiful and sharply in focus. I saw the Bluebird recently on one of Eileen' posts, and instantly fell in love with this lovely bird.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  7. Hello,
    Love the beautiful swans and lovely bluebird. They have a gleam in their eyes. Great photos. I hope your weather is better soon. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  8. They are sweet! Our birds are my best entertainment these days.
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  9. I was offline since midday yesterday due to an area wide outage at AT&T. Now I'm trying to catch up. These bird photos are fabulous and those skies are so very blue.

  10. Mae, these are lovely. I've never seen a bluebird in the flesh!

  11. These are wonderful captures. Very beautiful birds.
    Have a Great Day!

  12. I'm glad you're okay after the bad winter weather. Lovely looking birds.

  13. It sure looks like a cold place to walk...and barefoot too! heehee! Nice photos. Stay warm this weekend!

  14. Such brave little birds! I always wonder why some of the same species migrate and others don't. (Just like people I guess.)

  15. Excellent photos! Have a good week.

  16. How did I miss this one!? Great images of the Trumpeter Swans and Eastern Bluebird. Spring is on its way and it won't be long before these birds turn to thoughts of working on the next generation!


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