Saturday, January 29, 2022

Saturday Afternoon Guests!


We’ve been completely isolated — but made an exception for Carol and Nat whom we invited to drop by for a snack and some much welcome conversation!

© 2022 mae sander


  1. I don't talk or see a soul, except for my massage therapist and hairdresser!

  2. I understand the need for conversation. The snacks would just be the icing on the cake!

  3. Yes, its been very difficult to keep isolating. Since I had Covid 5 weeks ago, I've been doing more things. Your spread and your bread look delicious.

  4. Hello,
    It is nice to invite your friends over for a chat and snack. The bread looks delicious. Have a great day and a happy new week!!

  5. So nice to have a visit and the food looks wonderful. Have a great day today.

  6. If I didn't have FB and blogging I wouldn't have social contact at all. Your little mini-gathering looks enjoyable :)

  7. We did the same last night and had safe friends Mark and Jan for dinner. It was so nice to be with people without masks! Your snacks look terrific!

  8. It w3as great you had your friends over for a much needed visit and, like you, snacks and food seemed to flow freely, too. That was a wonderful spread you created for them. I bet the conversation was equally fruitful.

  9. it must have been so nice to have company...conversation and snacks. we have been pretty isolated here but i have kept busy with hobbies and such!!

    and my favorite buddies, the birds!!


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