Monday, August 23, 2021

An Intriguing Expression

"Long drink of water"

"Used to describe a tall person, and usually a female: 'Migod, but she's a long drink of water!'... a polite way to say that someone is very attractive" 

"A man or woman that is tall, gorgeous, and super delicious. Like on a hot day, a tall drink of water is absolutely appealing." 
"Early uses appear to be humorous and mildly derogatory in the sense of gangly or lanky. More recent American usage in the 21st century is often positive, suggesting that the person referred to is attractive." 

I've only heard someone called a “long drink of water” a few times, always admiringly. I find it very amusing. Yesterday, I was reminded of this expression, not by a tall human, but by a very long-legged dog:

I politely asked the owner if her dog would mind if I took its photo.

She said the dog would be honored.
Some sources say that “tall drink of water” or “long drink of water” are southern expressions. A couple of country music songs use this relatively obscure term. Anyway, today is hot out — so I appreciate the significance of a tall drink of water being very appealing, and I’m sharing this abstract connection of a dog and a beverage with Elizabeth’s blog event celebrating drinks.

Blog post and photos © 2021 mae sander.



  1. I haven't ever heard that expression before. But I like it.

  2. Je vais essayer de l'importer en français. Au pays du vin ce serait un exploit :-)

  3. My mother used the term, "a tall sip of water" always referring to someone who was tall, lean with runway model good looks".
    And yes, she was very southern.

  4. I haven't heard that expression before. But perhaps I haven't been in the South enough. The dog is pretty lanky.

  5. I have heard this expression but never applied to a dog. I suppose their is a first for everything.
    Happy Tea Day,

  6. As always, you have found a totally unique and out of the box T post this week. It's been years since I've heard that expression. I think the last time I heard it, I lived in southern MO. I've never heard it here.

    You mentioned you didn't know where Sharon lived. She lives in the same town (city?) as I and we have met. Yes, it's hot here. It is hotter than Sharon said because at 5 p.m., the local news stated it was 100 F. It's been hot for days here, and tomorrow is supposed to be even hotter. I will be sitting under my AC all day. I'm a wimp when it comes to heat.

  7. Great post. It is hot here, and I drank all of my 20 oz bottle of water on my walk this morning! Happy T Day, Mae.

  8. I've always thought the term referred to a pretty woman, but I've never thought of the origin.

  9. What a cute couple you met! And I learned a new quote. Whilst freezing my butt off...

  10. I haven't heard this expression either, but it is a nice one. Especially now it is meant in a positive way.
    Thanks for a very original T-Day qualifier.
    Happy T-Day,

  11. That#s not an expression used over here, but I like it. What a lovely dog and lady you met! Happy T Day, Valerie

  12. That dog totally represents a tall or long drink of water. So fun! Very creative way to celebrate drinks, Mae. Fun dog too! Happy T-day!

  13. I've heard that expression, too. That dog certainly fits!

  14. We were just laughing at the last staff meeting. An older gentleman, who still should have known better, referred to a new coworker in this way because she is REALLY tall. :)

  15. Yes, I've heard that expression here in Virginia quite a bit :) Take care!

  16. I've heard that expression but oddly only about tall, lanky men. That is a gorgeous dog! Happy T Tuesday

  17. Such a great saying and the dog is gorgeous 😀. Wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

  18. I have heard that expression, but I think it is old-fashioned and not used my anymore. Happy T Day

  19. I have heard that saying. In fact my grandfather was referred as a tall drink of water.

  20. Not familiar with the expression but water is always good on a hot day. Love that dog! Happy T Day, Chrisx

  21. I wasn't familiar with that expression, but thanks for sharing pics of such an excellent tall boy.

  22. Hello Mae,

    What a pretty dog, it is tall. I have heard the expression, but not recently.
    It is hot and humid here, I am looking forward to the fall temps. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend!


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