Tuesday, June 29, 2021

What we have been eating

The Famous Sabich Sandwich

Carol made us a beautiful Israeli meal with Sabich sandwiches and mujedara.

Sabich sandwich fillings, to be eaten in puffy pita bread, include hard-boiled eggs, sliced potato, fried eggplant, Israeli chopped salad, tahini, hummus, and the wonderful condiments called Zhug (peppers, garlic, and green herbs), and Amba (a type of mango chutney). Carol made it all from scratch, so it was especially good. And Nat made a wonderful blueberry tart for dessert.

The legend is that the Sabich, an Iraqui breakfast or lunch sandwich, was popularized in the 1960s by a food vendor in Ramat Gan called Sabich Tsvi Halabi. It's now very widespread in lunch counters and small diners, and even featured on the menu at the roadside chain restaurants, often inside gas stations, called the Aroma Café. Carol's Sabich was MUCH better than that!

We enjoyed our Sabich dinner after kayaking at the lake...Nat shared this beautiful video:


Ingredients for a vegetarian frittata.

Finished frittata with onion, garlic, bell pepper, mushrooms.
Topped with cheese, bread crumbs, and dried parsley.
Instructions say to bake this in a cast-iron skillet, but I just use a baking dish.

On the Grill

Mushrooms brushed with olive oil.
Lamb chops coated with crushed garlic and rosemary.

Fish Tacos

Blog post © 2021 mae sander.


  1. What a FEAST! I love middle eastern food :-)
    Nice kayaking video, Mae...I can tell that you guys were having fun :-))

  2. It all looks divine! And you have reminded me to make zhug. We have not had it in quite a while.
    What a gorgeous spot for kayaking!

  3. Looks like good eating at your place. I particularly like eggplant and hummus.

  4. fish tacos - yum! in fact it all looks splendid eating! love the kayaking video.

  5. All looks so good! I made mini frittatas yesterday and I am now inspired to make Sabich sandwiches - I think this will be our lunch this weekend :)

  6. Beautiful plates! And ohhh, it looks very yummy, the food!
    Last time I had pita bread was 1998!!!

    Guess what I´m eating. A vegetarian frittata. (I should not eat and read / comment blogs, I know). Hmm, all looks very yummy!

  7. Wow what a lovely spread.


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