Friday, May 28, 2021



Images © copyright 2021 mae sander for maefood dot blogspot dot com.


  1. Hello Mae,
    Your trip to Arizona sounds wonderful. I love the Hummingbirds, great sightings.
    I am sure you are seeing lots of beautiful birds. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  2. Hello.
    I’ve never seen hummingbirds, but they look absolutely wonderful.
    Take care.

  3. You must be in birding wonderland there.

  4. Nice bird photos. I love the hummingbirds and the owl in your last post. Enjoy!

  5. Beautiful pics of your hummingbird. Love these little guys my aunt is named Mae . Happy Saturday

    Saun in Ohio

  6. You must have an incredible camera. Those photos are amazing and I know how fast those little birds fly.

  7. Spectacular close up shots. It is always a treat for me when I see a hummingbird but I don't have the right equipment to get a close up. If you got these with your phone, you gotta tell me!

  8. Hummingbirds are such a challenge to photograph! These photos are amazing!

  9. Sweet! I love hummingbirds.

  10. Nice photos - love the colors on this hummingbird! They are such amazing little birds.

  11. Amazing photos! Never had the chance to see them!


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