Friday, March 19, 2021

“Waffles and Mochi”

Michelle Obama as the anchor! Samin Nosrat explaining about tomatoes and pasta! Jose Andres making gazpacho! How could one episode of this new Netflix show have three such famous people? And how could it be anything but stellar? 

Well, we watched it, and while I still love the three famous people, and I’m not really negative about the characters Waffles (born in a freezer somewhere with a frozen waffle for a mother) and Mochi (a little ball of, yes, mochi, the Japanese rice cake), I guess I’m basically disappointed in the dialog and the music. I was hoping for something faster and more exciting, like Sesame Street. And I know it’s for kids, but... just not thrilling enough for me. I’ll give one or two more episodes a try.


  1. Whenever we´re in Perth we watch Sesame Street.
    I grew up with the American Sesame Street, my Dad always watched with me.
    My younger Brother got the German version. So awful he had to watch by himself.
    No Netflix here and for this I´m not even sorry, but, yes, give it another go?

  2. Hmmm. Inteesting. It's a great cast, though!

  3. I cannot keep up with all Netflix and Amazon offer (and I mean even learning about them, let alone trying to watch everything of interest). We enjoyed Samin’s series “Salt, Fat...”. whatever, you know the one I mean, but it was of course for grownups. Because I am so many decades removed from childhood, I’ll probably give this one a miss , in spite of really liking everyone in it, but I am happy to know about it!

  4. I've seen the hype, but not watched yet. It's too bad it was disappointing for you.

  5. It’s the first I’ve heard of it :)

    Wishing you a great reading week

  6. I wish I had Netflix. Sorry the show is slow for you. Children have a short attention span, so maybe that is what turns you off about this show. Too bad it's got stellar stars, but isn't to your interest. To me, it seems something you would really rave about. I hope it improves for you in the future.

  7. I haven't watched it and don't know if I will, but now, I want to each mochis !!!


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