Tuesday, March 09, 2021

A Great Lunch!

A delicious bread that Len baked: "Sunflower Seed Bread with Pâte Fermentée."

This recipe is from Jeffrey Hamelman's book Bread: A Baker’s Book of Techniques and Recipes, published in 2013. According to the introduction: 

“Hearty and aromatic, it is particularly delightful with hard cheeses, peanut butter, various jams and preserves, or just toasted with butter.”  (p. 132) 

That’s exactly what we ate — plus some avocado as shown in the last photo.

Blog post including photos © 2021 mae sander.


  1. That bread looks fabulous! It works with all kinds of great additions from your photos. Where did he get the recipe? I bought a bag of seeds for bread but haven't used them yet.

  2. Len is a great baker. The bread looks fantastic, Mae.

  3. Bread and cheese! My kind of lunch!

  4. That looks incredibly delicious!

  5. That's my kind of lunch and lucky you with a breadbaker in the house! It looks delicious as does the cheese!

  6. I'm in a baguette and French loaf rhythm and always plan to mamke a different braed but....the baguette is our favorite. Loving the looks of Len's braed here. Great lunch indeed.

  7. That looks delicious :)

    All the best Jan

  8. Looks yummy, and that cheese, ohhhh!

  9. Ooooh, that is one good-looking loaf!
    Your lunch looks so fab!


  10. Tasty! We're broadening our cheese horizons, so seeing your choices is interesting.

  11. That bread looks wonderful by itself straight out of the oven. And with the additions in the last photo (my favorites both) even beyond that!

  12. Give me a delicious loaf of bread, some jam and cheese and I am happy.


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