Friday, February 12, 2021

Cold and Snowy



  1. It's freezing cold over here too, but no snow :-((

  2. These are beautiful, I love birds so I'm always glad to look at pictures, at birds, or hear them sing (or argue, depending on their politics). The owl is gorgeous but the red bird stands out in the snow :)

  3. What great photos! I really miss cardinals. I grew up in Illinois and that's what they remind me of. Stay warm. The cold just hit us here!

  4. I've got a great cardinal photo that I snapped in our ice covered beauty bush. We're gearing up for lots of snow and more cold weather here. Be safe and well and warm!

  5. Nice winter photos, especially that owl! Did you expect to find him there or was he a surprise?

  6. It looks amazing. We are the opposite here as it's our heat wave month.

  7. Hello, Mae

    Wonderful sightings, the Screech Owl is so cute. Awesome photos.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  8. Lovely pictures in the snow. The owl has the right idea. Hunker down and sleep.

  9. We are enjoying warm sunny weather in Miami Beach, but I do so enjoy seeing your snowy photos!

  10. Such beautiful winter photos! I love the napping owl! :)

  11. That owl! I love that photo. When I go outside the back door the cardinals know I'm there and start gathering. All these very red birds perached in the trees.

  12. These are amazing photos.

  13. What lovely sightings. These are some great shots!

  14. Lovely! I sometimes hear the owls but never see them.

  15. The owl is just beautiful! Sure pretty with the snow in the background! Stay warm!

  16. Every sighting of an owl of any species is a wonderful experience - and it happens to so few.


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