Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Winter Fruit: Satsumas



  1. Wonderful! We all need some Vitamin C :-))

  2. I'd never heard of Satsumas until I saw them on your blog. I read they are like mandarin oranges, which I love. Thanks for introducing me to a fruit I didn't know existed before.

  3. So pretty.

  4. I had to google satsuma lol I see mandarins everywhere, but the tangerines I remember from my childhood are hard to find.

  5. Hmmm, that looks yummy. Just passed by this fruit yesterday... hard as a stone. I left them in the store. Sad.
    I wonder... no ripe avocados etc, how can that be? And why is this on offer. Who buys it? (I did and regretted!)

  6. What a beautiful picture! We have seen them in the tree in Florida but I’ve bought them here in Oregon too and honestly they are just as good as fresh picked.


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