Sunday, October 04, 2020

The Treason of Images

Life follows art.

"This is not a pipe" or "The Treason of Images"
By René Magritte (1898-1967). LA County Museum of Art.

This is not the Mona Lisa. It is a Rice Krispie Treat.
Source: "Reconsidering the Rice Krispie Treat.

"FIVE WORDS IN ORANGE NEON" by Joseph Kosuth, 1965. (source)

Blog post and original photo © 2020 mae sander.


  1. J'adore ces cinq motifs témoignant plus ou moins de l'ambiguité des images. Bonne journée et bonne semaine. La mona lisa en rice crispies est assez kitsch

  2. Cool :) I loved the orange neon especially.

  3. The real Canada Geese don't seem to be too astonished about the silent big one.

  4. Funny examples of art. I think we need to open our eyes to have a look around more often. It was a weird week. Here's what I have to say about it on my blog

  5. Art is one of the things that is keeping me going during this awful time in our history. I need more art, more metaphor, more spirituality, more images, more poetry. Thank you for sharing these.

  6. I want to eat Mona Lisa! Yum!

  7. OK, now I know how you can spend those winter months of isolation -- you can recreate the Mona Rice Crispy treat. You can do it -- and you have LOADS of models on hand!


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