Thursday, October 22, 2020

The Great Pumpkins Have Arrived

Note: the pumpkins owners live around 3 blocks from our house. They obtain the pumpkins each Halloween from a farmer with a prize pumpkin patch. These may be the largest they have ever had.


  1. wow Where did you order them? Have never seen one looking so big!!

  2. OMG, those pumpkins are HUGE! Amazing! Like from a fairytale.

  3. "Scary"! Impressive, too.
    I wonder how they get rid of them once they´re all wobbly...

  4. Holy cow! Those are giant pumpkins.

  5. When I lived in another city, I had a friend who had a pumpkin patch. I got a large one, too. Possibly not as large as the one on the right, but at least it looked like the pumpkin on the right. After Halloween, I had a hard time cutting it up into manageable pieces. Your found so absolutely incredible examples right in your neighborhood, dear.

  6. Wow! Now, that's a display I can get behind. Fun!

  7. I love your neighbors. I really do.


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