Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Our Haunted Neigborhood

There won't be much trick-or-treating this year, as the pandemic is going through a resurgence, so who wants all those little hands in the candy bowls? However, many of our neighbors are decorating their homes and gardens with wonderful imaginative Halloween figures. A few ghosts:

Can you find the ghost hiding in the bushes?

Blog post and all photos © 2020 mae sander.


  1. That looks like a lot of fun!

  2. Really cool Halloween decoration!

  3. The government has strongly suggested that the kiddies skip trick or treating in the hotspots in the GTA, which is pretty much the entire city and outskirts. Houses are being decorated so our walks are fun. People are making creative ways to deliver the candy at a good distance, like candy chutes! We probably won’t do anything this year.
    Eva http://kitcheninspirations.wordpress.com/

  4. Oh those are some marvelous decorations. I will still be available for trick or treating but I am doing it differently this year. I am pouring all the candy into one big bowl, then sitting outside (weather permitting) masked and gloved with tongs for contactless treat giving.

  5. Fascinating ghosts. I haven't really seen any ghosts around here, but I like them!

  6. That is sad for the young children who might have had their first ever trick and treat. Love the effort people go to. It's not a tradition here at all.

  7. Mae, and by the way that's my middle name, I LOVE these pictures! I love the ghosties in yards, keep them coming!
    I also loved your comment on the boat story... yes the captain is okay with holes in the boat, and everyone going down... yep, he'll be in the solid gold boat with all the resources laughing at the people going down with the ship... OMG... sorry about the slight rant.


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