Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Balloon Mural

Around 10 miles west of Ann Arbor we noticed a beautifully painted mural on a garage. The owner, who came out when we stopped to look at it, says she is the artist.

 Blog post © 2020 mae sander.


  1. That's terrific! There's all sorts of great stuff to see just driving around, although most of it isn't as good as this.

  2. Cool! I love seeing this, where a homeowner has done something so individualistic.

  3. Muy bellos esos globos aerostáticos.

  4. C'est très charmant et naïf. Cela rappelle un peu le Douanier Rousseau...

  5. That's a lovely mural Mae. Great on the owner for painting her garage with such a cheerful mural. Thanks for contributing to Monday Murals.

  6. What a great find, Mae. I wish the artist would come paint my wall that divides my home from the rest of the neighborhood. This was very well done.

  7. Very nice! I'm glad you got to meet the artist.


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