Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Autumnal Reds and Yellows

All photos © 2020 mae sander for mae food dot blog spot dot com.


  1. Oh, yes, the color has come downstate and you've seen some gorgeous hues! Thanks, Mae, for starting my day off so perfectly!

  2. Gorgeous colours! Enjoy the beautiful Fall, Mae.

  3. Absolutely STUNNING colors, Mae. Love your photos of where you live. Such bright and vibrant examples that autumn has arrived in your world.

  4. Really nice pictures. Our autumn colors are still rather muted, though lately they've begun to intensify. Lotta brown this year, though -- it's been dry the last month or two, although I don't know whether that has any effect at all on the color of the leaves.

  5. Pretty fall photos-thanks for sharing

  6. I love the change of colours. We don't get that where I live and I miss it. Thanks for sharing.

  7. The bee... beautiful. As the colors.

  8. That gingko tree! They have such stunning fall color :)

  9. So beautiful! Living out here in the Sonoran desert, I sure miss fall! It was always my favorite season. Makes me want some cider donuts....

  10. Exquisite photos really documenting the beauty of the fall season


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