Thursday, October 01, 2020

A Few Walks in Ann Arbor

In Mary Beth Doyle Park

A Dragonfly with such beautiful transparent wings.

Mallett’s Creek, a waterway through Ann Arbor, has been routed through this former wasted area
to control flooding by letting the water spread out and drop the silt before flowing downstream.

Shadow selfie

Near home

A frog in the gutter at night.

Gallup Park

After our last kayaking of the season. Only this one other kayaker was on the water.

Walking Along the Argo Cascades

Political graffiti: “Black Lives Matter” and “KKKops,”
from the aftermath of the killings of George Floyd,
Breonna Taylor, and others.

The cascades are an artificial canoeing and kayaking stream made from
the old spillway of Argo Dam on the Huron River.

Blog post and all photos© 2020 mae sander.


  1. Ann Arbor is beautiful...I would love to take a walk there with you :-)

  2. Such a lovely collection of photographs.
    Happy October Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  3. I enjoyed the photos especially the dragonfly

  4. Great photos Mae. A good friend of mine used to live in Ann Arbor so it's nice to see some views. Happy October!

  5. I would not have seen the dragonfly or the frog without knowing to look for them. So well camouflaged.

  6. Great collection! I try and do my best to love October... Thank you, it makes it a tad easier.

  7. There's nothing quite like a seasonal view across a lake. Such pretty colors. I love the frog. I wish we could attract a toad to our patio, but...

    I like seeing the graffiti responses to current events.

  8. Your photos truly show the beauty of October and of course, I like that mural about Black Lives Matter. What gets me is you find SO many murals under your bridges. Amazing.

  9. Lovely photos Mae, love the Autumn colours.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals, always great to find something hidden somewhere.

  10. c'est une bien belle série de photos. Et ces excursions en canoé doivent être formidables dans les couleurs de l'automne. Bonne semaine


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