Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Autumn is coming: soup for dinner

How to cook vegetarian squash soup:
  • Peel the squash and chop all the vegetables. Quantities can vary -- see photo for suggestion.
    Note: It's a lot of work to peel & chop acorn squash so you could use another kind of winter squash, or use pre-cubed and prepared squash. Or even frozen squash.
  • In a soup pot, brown the onions in oil with a pinch of sugar and salt; add the sweet peppers, then add squash & garlic, then tomato & ginger. Add bouquet garni or other selection of herbs. 
  • Add 3 cups of stock or water. Simmer for an hour or more. Add hot sauce to taste.

Mostly Michigan produce in the soup and salad, which had tomato, lettuce, blue cheese, and vinaigrette dressing.
Garnish with croutons or goldfish. Or cheese. Or chopped veggies.

Blog post © 2020 mae sander.


  1. Soup sounds fantastic. I always nuke my squash just briefly to soften it up and then I can get the meat out of it. Or peel much easier. Your soup looks delicious and sounds wonderful. It is getting to be that season-a favorite for sure! Hugs-Erika

  2. @Erika — I have used the microwave on squash but for acorn squash by the time it’s soft enough to get the peel off, it’s really mushy and doesn’t have as nice a texture for soup. It is a great way to speed up the process, as you say.

  3. Oh, those goldfish I remember from my childhood! We got them on New Year´s Eve!

  4. I love soups and can eat them all year round..cold, warm and steaming hot..they are all good :-) Yours looks really flavourful and tasty, Mae.

  5. We really like soup season! And have soup at least once a week from Labor Day through Memorial Day. Often two or three times. I almost never use frozen squash, but do intend to work with it a bit more to see if I like using it. I agree that peeling acorn squash (or many winter squashes) can be such a pain. Anyway, this looks wonderful. Thanks.

  6. A heart soup is just the thing, and perfect for the season. Thanks for the recipe :)

  7. I love soup and squash both! Your dinner is so pretty!
    Your comment on my blog post deserves it's own quote on google quotes, about science and understanding climate change VS cyclic change... awesome! Thanks lots. I love Ann Arbor

  8. Yummm! Bill made tomato bisque soup yesterday, it was delicious. I also like to use only local produce ,especially this time of year of course , but’s I would definitely use ready-cubed squash in your delicious soup. I plead the age card, don’t think I’m up to peeling a hard squash. .... we are on an air-quality alert right now because of wildfires (we are safe, except for the smoky air) so we will be making freezer and pantry meals ...Tuesday is usually our shopping day. Thankful we planned ahead and have plenty of standby meals, but I hate not being able to go to the Farmers Market.

  9. Dearest Mae, that does not just look yummy, it also is so beautiful! I never experienced Autumn yet ever but I love it's concept and most of all, its colors! The first photo looks like a beautiful display and so as your table! Thank you for saving me a seat to it :)

  10. I'm often tempted to leave the peel on, but my Kitchen Aid peeler makes easy work of it. Enjoy the soup weather.

  11. This is a vegetarian delight, Mae. I also had trouble getting the squash to peel. Like Erika, I nuked mine, but you are right. The taste wouldn't be the same. Nice recipe, though.

  12. That looks terrific, Mae. Love squash soup. And it's been an age!


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