Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Where I want to be today

Above: a photo taken from yesterday's Ann Arbor News story on very local protest rallies. Headline this morning:
"Ann Arbor police to walk with George Floyd, police brutality protesters"
The article quotes Michael Cox, the Ann Arbor chief of police:
“It’s not about us,” Cox said. “It’s a significant issue. I have spent the last 26 years of my life working to make sure this kind of stuff doesn’t happen and doesn’t exist. So it’s near and dear to my heart, making sure that as police, we are in a profession that grows and that we stop this behavior wherever it occurs. We’re all judged on it."
I am with them in spirit, but I am afraid of the crowds, which looked very dense in the photos. Michigan is still in the midst of the epidemic of coronavirus, as well as being plagued by racism and social injustice. The world today is a terrifying place, and I feel helpless and guilty.


  1. Hi Mae, thank you for your early visit, I’m afraid the thought of people standing in big crowds scare me, we had a very strict lockdown here, not allowed out of our garden for eight weeks so I won’t be mixing in crowds anytime soon., we only have breakfast put because they are very clean, we have no deaths or new cases in our area for a few weeks now.
    Have a happy T day
    Jan x

  2. Black, white or yellow..we are all human beings regardless of the skin colour and should be treated with respect and compassion.

  3. I saw an interview with a sheriff in Flint who took off his riot gear and marched with the protesters. I was so impressed with his humanity.

  4. I understand very well your feeling of helplessness, because what is happening in the United States lately is seen from Europe as very worrying. For the President's handling of the totally chaotic epidemic, coupled with the criminal stupidity of a policeman, seems to be a spark that ignites the powder keg. A word of compassion to the black community, as the New Zealand Prime Minister had for the Muslim community in the terrible attack last year, would surely have mitigated matters. But today America's worst enemy is its president. It's strange that everyone can see that he is suffering from senile dementia, and yet he continues to act like a tyrant, and no American democratic institution can stop him from acting. I wish you courage, dear Mae, and may better days come soon.

  5. What a very powerful and touching photo! I am with them as well in their fight and plea for social justice and equality. Also I am praying not just for justice but for everybody's safety especially to those in the crowds. I hope they can still take measures in the sense that the virus is still at hand.

  6. I am with them in spirit also. My husband is an immunosuppressed person so I can't join them as I don't want to bring home the virus. But good sign in that photo.

  7. I'd love to be part of it, too, but know being in a big crowd is not what I can do now. I was fortunate to be part of a small candlelight vigil on Sunday and we stretched out on the sidewalk. Not as much as I 'd like but grateful to have a small and nearby place to advocate for justice.

  8. I think it's brilliant that the police marched with the protesters. It's just sat that it was necessary in the first place. Big hugs.

  9. Poignant photo. We're in the middle of a horrid virus, yet we have an attorney general who sends riot police using tear gas and flash bangs into a PEACEFUL march to disrupt it so a president could walk across the street to a church for a photo op with a bible that had no meaning to him. There are no words I can offer for that kind of leadership. Can we get much lower or has this just started?

  10. Do me one favour: Do not feel guilty!
    I was 14 years old and had to say "I am sorry for what I did to the Jewish people", together with many pupils my age (I am German, living in Germany).
    I but moved my lips, cause, what did I do??? My parents were little kids, my Mother´s family not German, my Grandfather no soldier but the only watchmaker in town.

    Yes, feel ashamed for the other´s behavior but not feel guilty yourself! You don´t help with that!
    Yes, point out that stupid that happens, the rage, the senseless rage.
    We sit in disbelief in front of the telly seeing the madness in Michigan.

    Muslims - some - behave like that here, also, it´s frightening.
    Police is not allowed to go at them.
    Left ones, same, police is not allowed to act. But defend themselves. Same ambulance and all.

    It´s a crazy, frightening world, but please, do not feel guilty!
    Helpless we are :-(

  11. I am exactly like you, Mae. I would be there but this isn't the right time for me to be with crowds of people. And Iris is right.

  12. I agree with what you say exactly.


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