Sunday, June 07, 2020

The Rock

“The Rock” in Ann Arbor is repainted frequently to reflect what people are thinking and doing. Today the rock says abbreviatedly: “Black Lives Matter” and “I can’t breathe.” On the other side:


  1. C'est une bonne chose.j'aime que des noirs et des blancs se rassemblent pour exprimer ce message "BLM" et aussi que des voix républicaines commencent à s'opposer à Trump.

  2. Reflecting what people are thinking and doing... I hope it will be there for a long time

  3. Let's hope this doesn't get painted over very soon. It's certainly a powerful and poignant message.

  4. It´s a good idea, I hope there will be something positive on it soon, too. I don´t suggest you forget about this,, though...

  5. Nice mural more old style although the underground is a bit unusual.

  6. A great idea for people to express themselves. Great tribute too.
    Thanks for participating Mae.

  7. I hope it stays there for a long time too.

  8. We have a rock at msu, too -- wonder if it has been similarly "updated."

  9. This should never be painted over. These are historic times and a change is a comin'


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