Tuesday, June 16, 2020

A Beautiful Day for Buying Pottery

Beautiful pottery made by Maki Lin of the Ann Arbor Potters Guild.
The Ann Arbor Potters Guild usually holds a sale in June, but it's normally held in a very crowded tent -- no good for the current situation! I contacted my current favorite potter, Maki Lin, and she offered to let me select from some plates and serving pieces in her back yard this morning. It was beautiful! I would like to buy all of it -- but that's not a real possibility.

Maki lives in a subdivision on the west side of town, near fields and wooded areas.
Therefore I also enjoyed the ride out and back from her house.
On the way home, I bought some Michigan strawberries
at an outdoor market where social distancing is the norm!
I bought two plates and a serving dish, and started using
them right away. I just love the local strawberries!

Blog post and photos copyright © 2020 mae sander.


  1. What a way to spend the morning. It's wonderful that you got to pick these pottery pieces from the artist. Then, you got to buy strawberries and enjoy the fruits of your labor (or wallet).

  2. Nice pottery, pretty! Good way to spend the day!

  3. Those berries look perfect!

  4. What could be better than local strawberries? Nothing, unless they were served on your special new ... and beautiful... pottery ware! I bet the artist was thrilled that you contacted her ... the cancelled event had to be a big financial hit for her and the others who count on that opportunity to show! ....We are enjoying local strawberries these days also. But on ordinary plain white dishes darn it )).

  5. Beautiful indeed, and yummy. I have whipped cream, need strawberries :-)

  6. The pottery is beautiful. Eating off of beautiful containers makes such a difference! You were fortunate to have the private showing!

  7. Wow -- Maki's pottery is really stunning. And it makes me happy to know you are supporting artists who are having a tough go of it with all the big sales and art markets cut for the season. This is really quite mesmerizing!

    My strawberries are coming in. I told Rick to get some vanilla ice cream at the store because there won't be enough for shortcake but enough to make ice cream sing! Nothing like a real strawberry, not those styrofoam-tasting things we get at the store off season!

  8. That is pottery is stunning! And so are the berries. How awesome that you were able to purchase a few pieces this year!

  9. Gorgeous pottery. Although it's the strawberries I really have my eye on. :-)

  10. you know how much i love pottery Mae! and i love the ones here. Don't tell Mr P., but i've ordered another beautiful tumbler for myself from my fave potters Magnolia mountain. I get exactly what you mean about people having either dead links or no links to their blog! veeeerrrry annoying!


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