Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Too Cozy?

Michigan’s lockdown orders are particularly strict because the coronavirus is especially bad here.
Sadly, some young people aren’t abiding by the letter or the spirit of the order.
This is in the Diag, the center of the currently-closed campus of the University of Michigan.
Some of the hammocks were occupied by more than one person --
not very good social distancing!
Last week, I took a photo of one of these popular hammocks hanging in a tree at about the level of second-story windows, and used it as an example of isolation. This week, the same hammock, different message!
Blog post & photos © 2020 mae sander for mae food dot blog spot dot com.


  1. Sad. Especially as they are students....

  2. Young people are so careless...sighs. They think the virus wouldn't get to them.

  3. Wouldn't it be ironic if the ones who get the sickest are the youth and the ones who survive this plague are the high risk people who stayed put?

  4. Oh, to be young again... What I'd truly love is that bag of bread flour in your last post!!!! Have been trying to find it here for the last month, none to be had on Amazon and the mills I've looked at online. It is a rare commodity here as is many other things.

  5. All the parks around here have that yellow crime scene tape closing off play ground equipment and the like. Haven't seen those being used. But on our daily walks we often walk through some apartments owned by Wash U that house graduate students. The other day we saw campus police breaking up a party on the front lawn of one of them -- must have been a couple of dozen people there. Weird.

  6. We are opening our beaches next week. And restaurants with limited capacity. Luckily, schools remain closed.

  7. Unless of course they live together? Or are you meant to be distancing at home with your partner as well?

  8. @Tandy -- I suppose all 12 of the cozy people in the hammocks might have been from a single household, but I sort of doubt it. The dorms where students live in large groups all closed in mid-March. So I think not.


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